4 Best Ways to Increase Employee Productivity


“Productivity” is the magic word that every employer is looking to instil in their employees, and rightly so. It is something that directly corresponds to the success of the company, be it small or big. A productive company remains competitive in the market and can meet the market demand effectively.

Many challenges in the workplace stiffen productivity levels among the employees. But all hope is not lost! There are many ways to overcome these challenges, such as ensuring a proper working environment, reducing distractions, discovering an employee’s DiSC profile, etc. 

What Is Productivity? 

Before proceeding further, it is crucial to determine what is productive and what is not. In simple terms, productivity is the total amount of work an employee finishes within a specific time frame. For example, the number of tasks completed, sales closed or products created, etc. 

The amount of effort put into completing a task is called the effectiveness. If a small job takes a lot of effort to finish, it would be considered very effective. But not productive. So, a synergetic approach should be taken, combining effectiveness and productiveness for optimum results.

Ways to Enhance Productivity

Better Workplace Conditions

The most obvious in the list, a proper workplace environment is a must, be it at home or in the office. 

  • Furniture – Procuring the correct height of chairs and desks will help in maintaining proper posture while working. Uncomfortable furniture can cause physical irritation and impede concentration.
  • Natural light – Ensure that plenty of natural light gets in the workplace. Natural light can have many benefits, including aiding a good night’s sleep. 
  • Plants – They add a soothing factor and can be used to decorate the office space. Employees should be encouraged to install decorative plants in their workstations. 
  • Temperature – The workspace temperature should be comfortable, not too cold or hot. Somewhere between 20 to 23-degree celsius is a good spot.

Mind That Mail

Going through, sorting, formulating and replying to emails takes up a considerable amount of time in the office. Some studies have shown that more than nine hours are spent on emails every week. Agreeably, some emails are unavoidable and necessary, but it constitutes a tiny percentage. 

Selecting specific time frames to handle emails out of the entire day can limit any waste of time. It can also constrain the distractions that result from constant checking of emails. It’s a good idea to discourage employees or refrain from mailing at night, as this may cause undue stress and anxiety the next day, which in most cases hampers productivity.

Provide Employee Training

It is one of the best ways for improving productivity; it’s a win-win solution for both the employee and the employer. Investing in employee training and development increases their knowledge and expertise, which in turn improves productivity. 

Every employee, irrespective of their position, has a different behavioural profile. This is known as a DiSC profile, which represents dominance, influence, steadiness and conscientiousness. Identifying and training employees based on individual DiSC profiles can help them excel and grow.

Flexible Work Hours

Allowing employees to work at their chosen times is a great way to improve productivity. Everyone is not the same, some people work best in the morning, while others, during the evening. 

A flexible routine allows employees to finish the assigned work quickly by focusing on their most productive hours. To keep track of their total productive hours, invest in software that records their time spent on various tasks.

These are some of the best ways to increase the productivity of the employees. The fundamental principle is to focus on developing the skills and knowledge base of the employees and taking care of them.