5 Tips to reduce the android app size for smoother operations.

android app size
5 Tips to reduce the android app size

Android users worldwide would universally agree that applications use the lion’s share of their phone’s storage, brutally consuming data, RAM, and, most crucially, battery life.

Although cloud storage is available for photographs, movies, music, and other information, there is a limit to how much a phone can handle before struggling and hanging.

Size is a Major Problem in the Realm of App Development

Take our word for it, but do not take our word for it. According to Google’s statistics, approximately 90% of the world’s mobile devices operate on Android. The global user population is capped at 2.7 billion, and there are 2.8 million apps available on the Play Store.

Additionally, Google states that if an app’s size exceeds 150 MB (it was previously 100 MB), the likelihood of its installation would be reduced by 30%. The install conversion rate may decrease by 1% for every 6 MB expansion in size.

Businesses can hire Android application development services to engage 70% of consumers who now assess the app’s size before installing it. And it is no secret that an app that does not have a significant number of downloads is effectively non-existent.

1. Image Optimization

It is possible to lower the size of an image without compromising its resolution. For example,.jpg and.png pictures can be converted to the web image format to reduce apps’ size without sacrificing quality. The. webp format, like.jpg, supports lossy compression and transparency. In a nutshell, it combines the best of both worlds.

There are several tools available for this type of conversion. Guetzli and pack jpg are the finest tools for compressing.jpg files, whereas pngcrush and zopflipng are excellent for compressing.png files. Apart from that, designers may use vector graphics to create essential resolution-independent pictures that are not constrained by space constraints. These are accessible in Android as VectorDrawable entities and enable the generation of crisp, screen-sized graphics from a 100-byte file.

2. Redundant Code Removal

While developing a mobile application, it is critical to understand the footprint of a code within a redundant system where it is generated automatically. For example, many protocol buffer utilities can create an abundance of methods and classes.

These methods and subclasses add no value to the application. Rather than that, they increase the app’s size rapidly. Such repetitive routines must be deleted for the app’s size to remain optimal without being burdened by excessive, unnecessary components.

3. Dead Code Elimination

The APK file size is related to the speed with which your program loads, the amount of memory it requires, and the amount of electricity it consumes. As such, any unneeded or inoperative code that is retained only for the sake of preservation adds to the bulk. Like the reduction of duplicate codes, dead code removal is required for your app to always remain energetic and on any day.

The procedure does not affect the app’s functioning, as such scripts are not included in the first place. However, eliminating them improves the source code’s quality and reduces the requirement to maintain code size. Additionally, the introduction of bugs is avoided, resulting in an overall healthy application.

4. Reuse of Resources

Reuse is preferred to disposal. Additionally, this is a fantastic method of employing resources for anything else. There is, for instance, a distinct resource that defines all the hues, tints, and orientations that an image may have.

To ensure that everything you need to be creative is available, you may also utilize the same resource for other photos, altering as and when required. There are a few Android 11 features that you need to know which involves an app’s scrolling efficiency as well. Developers can maintain it at an optimum level while also helping to keep the app’s size low.

5. Minimized use of Resources from Libraries

External libraries are frequently used while creating Android applications to maximize usability and adaptability. The most often utilized are Google Play Services, which is used to obtain auto-translated app content, and Android Support Library, which improves user experience on older devices.

However, such frameworks are also intended for servers or desktops and provide many methods and objects that serve no function in the application. You can, however, modify the files and preserve only the sections required by your application.

Of course, this requires alteration rights. Alternatively, you may utilize a mobile-friendly library to implement certain features.


Bear in mind that the thinner the app, the higher the download rate. Therefore, implement these strategies and squeeze your app’s waistline as firmly as possible.

After all, if you have read this far into the post, you are undoubtedly that developer who is unhappy with mobile apps that openly consume disk space and attract the wrath of potential users.