Documents From Motorcycle Accidents to Have When Meeting Your Lawyer


Did you know that 2 out of 3 motorcycle accidents are caused by other motorists violating the motorcycle’s right of way? The failure of motorists to recognize motorcyclists is a predominant reason for accidents. After an accident, the success of your claim hinges on proving fault.

One of the best ways to prove both is to have the proper documents from motorcycle accidents. Having all the necessary documents will help you strengthen your claim.

You’ll have the ability to support all the assertions you make. In this post, we’re going to list all the vital documents you need to present to your lawyer before you start your claim, so read on to find out more.

The Importance of Having the Right Documents From Motorcycle Accidents

During your settlement negotiations, you’ll need proof of all your claims. For instance, it could be one thing to say that your medical treatments have cost you thousands of dollars, and you have constantly been going through pain and suffering.

However, it could be a whole different matter when you present all your medical records. All the details of the treatments you went through, the procedures you have undergone, and the prescriptions you received.

When you can showcase copies of all the bills you received for said injuries and treatments since the accident. Motorcycle accident lawyers have a better chance of winning the claims when presented with all the documents that support all injuries, damages, and losses. It’s also easier to calculate the amount of settlement you deserve.

Case in point, for all the problems you’ve had since the accident, from personal injuries to vehicle damages, lost income, or missed work, you need to bring proof to the negotiating table. Let’s take a look at the list of documents you’ll require after a motorcycle accident.

A Police Report

After the accident, there’s a high chance that a police officer came to the accident scene, which is protocol. If they did, they likely prepared and wrote down a police report, also known as an incident or accident report.

It’s one of the most vital documents from motorcycle accidents. This report will include all the information that could be crucial in proving your insurance claim as well as your personal injury lawsuit.

One of the most vital determinations a police report will help you prove is whether you or other involved parties violated any traffic laws. The report will also include statements from passengers, drivers, and any witnesses involved. It may include the circumstances and the potential causes of your accident.

It’ll have any observation the responding officers made. For you to get a copy of the report, contact the authorities in the location of the accident or the agency that came to the accident scene.

For them to give you the report, you’ll need to know the date and location of the accident in terms of which intersection or street it was. You’ll also need the names of all the drivers involved and the name or badge number of the officer who responded to the accident.

Your Medical Records

When involved in a motor accident, the first thing most people do is get medical attention. It could be personal motorcycle accident injuries, or it could be for precautionary reasons.

However, you need to make sure that you get copies of all records pertaining to the accident. You need to show medical records for your case as well as any billing information that’ll be related to your treatment.

All these records should be from all the medical providers you went to. They should cover all facets of your treatment without leaving anything out. This means that you should have documents showing the diagnosis made, the recommended treatments, the received treatment, and prescribed medications.

You may have gone through any surgical operation and other medical procedures. If so, you should have all the documents showing why and the results of the procedures.

The first thing you need to understand about acquiring all these documents is that you may have to call the billing department for larger hospitals. The process could take days or weeks before the request is granted. This means you need to be prepared to make the request early before you settlement negotiations or case proceedings.

Depending on the seriousness of your injuries and the intricacies of your treatments, some of the documents you’ll need are listed below.

You’ll need to have medical records for emergency medical services. This pertains to the paramedics or an ambulance that took you to the hospital. You’ll need records for your emergency room treatment and hospital admission.

Ask for records showcasing the treatments provided by your primary doctor and your pharmacy prescriptions. If you recieved chiropractic care, physical therapy, and any other specialist, get those records too.

Motorcycle Damage Estimates and Proof of Value

After a motorcycle accident, it’s a given that your motorcycle was severely damaged. You’ll be entitled to have any repairs and replacements paid for as part of your personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim.

For your lawyer to figure out how much to ask for, it’ll be upon you to provide proof of the value of your motorcycle before the accident. You also need to have documents showcasing how much the repairs and replacement will cost to avoid having to pay for them out of pocket.

Depending on your motorcycle insurance policy, you may have to allow the insurance company to handle all the damage estimates required. However, in some cases, you can get an opinion from two or three different motorcycle repair shops and auto body shops. Regardless of what route you have to take, it’s essential that you see the relative professionals to get the necessary documents.

The Car Accident Journal

Immediately after an accident, it’s advisable for involved parties to document how the accident has impacted their lives on a day-to-day basis. If your lawyer gave you this advice, you possibly have an accident journal. This is where you have listed how your injuries are affecting your life and any important things that happened to you as a result of the accident.

Immediately after the accident, write down everything you remember about it. Including the lighting conditions, the weather conditions, the names and contact information of the witnesses, as well as the time of the accident.

Later on, you can periodically write notes about what’s going on in your life or anything else you remember. Write down all your symptoms and limitations you have from the motorcycle accident injuries.

The best thing about keeping this journal is that you’ll have a record of all the things you could potentially forget. It’ll be an opportunity to strengthen your case.

Documents Showing Proof of Income

If you missed work after the accident or because of the accident, you potentially lost any income you would have earned. You’re entitled to getting compensation. However, you need to have proof of your corresponding lost income. Present any paycheck stubs, tip records, direct deposit records, and other documents that could potentially show how much you missed out on due to the accident.

Witness Statements

After the accident, were you in a position to talk to witnesses? If you were, statements from witnesses can be some of the most vital documents after motorcycle accidents. Witness statements could help you understand the circumstances that led to the accident.

Circumstances you may not have been aware of. They may be able to provide evidence of the accident through photographs or videos captured during or after the crash.

They may have captured a part of the accident that you did not see if you were too injured, and you’ll be able to present a solid argument to prove your motorcycle accident case. Furthermore, you may find witnesses who are willing to testify in court. Especially if they were also injured and required medical treatment for injuries as well.

Photographs and Video Evidence

Talking about photographs and videos, were you in a position to take any after the accident? If so, you should present them to your motorcycle accident attorney. These will prove to be invaluable evidence.

They’ll show how gruesome the accident was and how severe the motorcycle accident injuries were. How the motorcycle and the vehicles involved were positioned, and what people were involved. These photos and videos could prove to be the pivotal point that’ll help you win your motorcycle accident case.

Having the Right Documents From Motorcycle Accidents

After getting involved in a motorcycle accident, it’s highly likely that you suffered severe injuries. You’ll need to be compensated for both injuries and damages. Having the proper documents from motorcycle accidents goes a long way.

It’ll be easier to prove insurance claims or personal injury lawsuits. Have you been wondering what kind of documents you need to present to your motorcycle accident lawyer? We hope our exhaustive list has given you a better understanding.

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