Wine Storage: 5 Practical Tips About How to Store Wine Correctly

Red wine in glass on wooden background. Beautiful alcohol background. Red wine pouring from bottle. Free space for text on wooden backdrop.

Human love for wine is boundless, making it one of the top-performing market industries worldwide. In 2020 alone, wine export sales were at $424 million.

Are you a wine lover who has a few wines stored at home? Are you confident that you’re storing them correctly? Keep reading to find out whether you’re following standard wine storage guidelines.

1. Store Wine at Consistent Room Temperature

Temperature is one of the most vital factors that influence wine quality. When stored at temperatures higher than 70° F, your wine will age faster. While the perfect storage temperature varies depending on the wine, the general ideal storing temperature ranges from 45° F- 65° F.

Maintaining a stable room temperature is also important in wine storage. Temperature fluctuations can cause the cork to contract or expand. When this happens, air may seep in destroying the flavor or the wine itself can seep out.

2. Mind the Humidity Level of Room

Among the many wine storage tips, keeping the humidity level around 70% is one that you should never forget. Lower humidity level causes the cork to dry out which can allow air to seep in.

Meanwhile, the higher humidity level can cause the cork to mold and damage the label of your wine. If you live in damp areas, placing a dehumidifier in your wine storage area can help.

3. Store Wine in Where There’s Less Vibration

One guide to storing wine that you should be aware of is movement. If you store your wine in an area where vibrations are constantly felt, you won’t be able to make them last longer.

Vibrations such as those coming from washers disturb the sediment in the wine bottle. This causes the wine to age unfavorably destroying its flavor.

4. Store Wine Horizontally

The best way to store wine is to keep it on its side. This is especially true for cork wines as it helps prevent seepage. This also helps prevent premature aging which is key to long-term wine storage.

You don’t need to keep screw-top wine bottles on their sides. However, keeping them at a horizontal position eases access and maximizes your storage space.

5. Keep Wine Storage Area Dark

For those looking for how to store wine correctly, a wine cell’r is your best option. Have you ever wondered why vintners use colored glass bottles to store wine? One reason is that dark-colored bottles act as sunglasses for wine.

The UV rays from sunlight cause sulfuric amino acids to oxidize. As a result, the flavor and aroma of the wine will change, damaging its quality.

As such, it’s best to store your wine in dark rooms such as cellars to keep it away from light and preserve its integrity. This is especially true for white wines as their stored in clear bottles which are very susceptible to direct sunlight.

Your Guide to Storing Wine

When stored poorly, even the best set of wines will lose their aroma and flavor. As such, make sure to apply these 5 wine storage tips to prevent wine spoilage. With proper wine storage, you can make your wine last long with its value growing every year as an added benefit.

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