A Guide For Newbies on How to Build Your Vape Coil


Vaping is the best thing that has ever happened to people who want to quit smoking. It is a healthy alternative to a somewhat toxic habit, especially if your only reason to smoke is to destress. However, there is another advantage to vaping that you might not have discovered yet — building your very own vape coil.

Vapers who are not into technical stuff may find this intimidating. Although, if you start thinking of vape building as a fun and enriching activity, the process should not be too complicated. Instead, it will be a challenge that you can enjoy doing.

To many people, vaping is a way to express themselves and develop their sense of style. By picking the incredible vape flavours from reputable e-liquid sellers, let’s say charlie’s chalk dust, you can show others your flavorful personality.

The same goes with vape coil building. You can put a little bit of yourself into your personalized build. Also, you can hone both your artistic and technical skills through practice.

What Are the Needed Tools In Building a Vape Coil?

Your first problem would be the required tools and accessories to build a vape coil. Then, you can think about assembling the vape coil once all of your tools are complete.

Take note that there are vape coil kits that you can purchase from e-cigarette shops. However, if none of these kits is available from the nearest vape store, you can obtain the individual items one by one. Listed below are the tools that a beginner will need to build a vape coil:

  • Vaping Wire: Any vape wires such as nichrome, kantal, and stainless steel are good to use.
  • Cotton: It is a good wicking material because of its softness.
  • Ceramic tweezers: These are used to pinch the coils as they pulsate.
  • Flush cutters: This kind of cutter should be handy in cutting vaping wires into much smaller pieces.
  • Fine tip tweezers: This is the kind that you will use to roll the cotton to be easily stuffed inside the wick ports.
  • Coil jig: This is a helpful tool to wrap coils effectively around a rod. Without this tool, your whole DIY coil build will fail.
  • Scissors: The kind of scissors that can trim cotton should be enough.

Improvising The Coil For Your Vape’s Atomizer

Cheap e-cig juice will drive the atomizer to overwork because it is hard to vaporize that kind of liquid. It is why we recommend that you use top-quality e-liquid like Charlie’s Chalk Dust. Customizing the vape coil should also help prolong the life of the atomizer.

If you are going to make your own vape coil, see to it that your build will still be compatible with the vaporizer. For starters, study the coil design of the original vape build to see if it follows a single coil or dual coil configuration. An atomizer with a single coil build should be easy to copy, but a dual coil build requires a little more effort and patience.

Aside from evenly wrapping the coil around the rod, you need to make two of them with identical measurements. If their coil lengths do not match, then the atomizer will not work.

The next of your concern is the required resistance of your vape atomizer. If it needs a high-resistance coil, then your improvised coil should have a huge inner diameter. It should fall under the macro coil category with an inner diameter of at least 2.5 mm.

Final Words

You should have realized by now that building your vape coil is easier than it seems. You do not have to be a very technical person to understand the mechanism behind it. The only practice you need is making a perfectly wrapped coil around the rod. You also have to pay attention to little details, especially the length of your coils.

In time, you will feel that you are ready to take the higher step and make a more complex vape coil setup. Nothing is impossible with the right amount of experience and research. Much better if you do your research with fellow vapers to make the ultimate vape build.