Elastic vs Inelastic Straps and Harnesses: What to Know


The construction industry is among the most dangerous industry in the US. In 2019, falling fatality in this sector accounted for more than 1 of 3 construction deaths.

More and more buildings of tall heights arise these days. These projects are not possible without the hard work of construction laborers.

Can you imagine the danger of having to climb up these towering infrastructures?

In this article, we will understand how a climbing harness works. We will also compare elastic vs inelastic straps to help you decide which one works better for you.

How Safety Harnesses Work

A work harness uses a variety of buckles and straps for workers to reap its safety advantages. It should allow enough movement so their safety would not compromise the way they work.

The buckles and straps hold the wearer’s weight when climbing. The wearer wraps it around the shoulders, chest, and the thicker part of the wearer’s upper thighs. It will safeguard the worker’s vulnerable areas, such as the neck, stomach, and genitals.

Furthermore, the safety harness will absorb the impact of a fall. Following this will uphold the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements.

Every harness should come with clear, easy-to-follow instructions. It’s also ideal that the instructions come in different languages. All of it should provide detailed usage, maintenance, and inspection guidelines.

When selecting a harness, remember to buy a suitable one for the job. Remember that workers are more likely to use one that adapts to its connecting devices.

The better the harness, the more likely employees will wear it. It improves safety and complies with regulations.

The most significant aspect is that safety harnesses save lives.

Harness Safety Straps

The straps in safety harnesses are a suitable, practical, and necessary part of a harness. Climbing straps prevent falling incidents when working at heights requiring personal protective equipment.

Take a look at this elastic vs inelastic straps comparison:

Elastic Safety Straps

Elastic materials make up the elastic straps in safety harnesses. Elastic webbing straps’ durability can endure with little to no damage.

Some elastic straps are even resistant to flames, like the OTEX Nomex elastic fabrics. These fabrics are best for first responders, industrial safety, military, and tactical markets.

Nylon and polyester are among the most common straps in a climbing harness. It makes the strap lightweight and flat. Thus, elastic safety straps are easy to wear.

Inelastic Safety Straps

There is not much difference between elastic and inelastic safety traps. They only differ in the materials that make them.

Inelastic safety straps are more likely chains or ropes. It makes these straps heavier than elastic straps. Given that it’s either a chain or a rope, inelastic safety straps cost less than elastic safety straps.

Difference of Elastic vs Inelastic Safety Straps

Now you know how harness straps work and how elastic vs inelastic straps differ. It’s necessary to wear these straps to protect you from potential harm while working.

Choose the best straps for your safety harnesses!

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