Gas and Oil Industry Technological Trends in 2022


Long before the pandemic, the oil industry has experienced severe challenges. Supply chain interruptions are only part of the story. Yet, the oil and gas industry rebounded in 2021 to levels not seen in six years.

With a new foundation in oil and gas innovation, you might wonder what the future holds. Keep reading for a brief look at oil and gas trends that will affect the industry in 2022.

Talent Pool

Sustaining employment will continue to be a significant struggle for the oil industry. With an aging workforce population, a race to replace retiring staff will need concentrated effort. A study found 10% of companies are maintaining staff by bringing back retired workers.

The recovery from 2020, one of the worst periods for the oil and gas industry, left businesses weakened by the mass exodus. Now to address the need, more training programs will likely get implemented.


Oil and gas innovation will get an enormous boost from better use of information. Much of the data collected during operation gets left without purpose. The traditional ways of doing business will give way to data-driven decision-making.

Budgets will increase to include the development of IT and AI for planning and research. Data will help projects budget more efficient use of funds at every stage. The information gathered from this IT solution will also aid in negotiating recent struggles with supply chains.

Artificial Intelligence chatbot technology will speed up decisions process and move projects faster. Upstream, midstream, and downstream problems can get resolved before overspending occurs.


One of the most exciting oil and gas technology trends will come from using robotics in operations. Almost every aspect of the oil industry involves jobs where lives get risked. Yet, automation can also reduce labor costs.

Robotics will replace people in detecting toxic environments. Machines that conduct maintenance on larger equipment will provide a better flow. These machines will also predict when repairs are most needed.

And using automation will reduce the risk of injury from work done in haste. Better conditions of equipment will create better work environments for staff.


3D models created before putting shovels in the ground will produce enormous savings. Project planners will be able to visualize a project in a virtual setting. Production plans will become leaner and faster.

The oil and gas innovation of 3D modeling will play a huge role in mitigating risks of various natures. Operators will get advanced knowledge of physical restrictions. And personnel will be at lower risk when the project gets studied with this technology.

The Oil Industry Must Move Forward

The pandemic may be winding down to return us to normal activity. But the oil and gas industry remains in a constant struggle to keep up with demands. Technology is essential for continued growth and cost savings.

The oil industry will rely on new business models to thrive. Public awareness will also drive the need for better solutions. While product demand remains significant, oil and gas trends still need to evolve.

If you found this brief look at future trends helpful, come back soon for more insights.