3 Customer Buying Signals to Look Out For


When was the last time someone purchased goods? Did you buy them from a brick-and-mortar shop or online? Did you know customers give off buying signals?

This means you can track what and when your customers are likely to buy. But what are verbal buying signals? And how can you take advantage of these valuable customer leads in person and online?

Here’s everything you need to know.

1. What is a Buying Signal?

A buying signal is a behavior that indicates the possibility of contact by the sales rep to the prospect. A buying signal is an action taken by prospective buyers which can signal they are nearing the purchase decision.

A customer’s body language, questions, and purchasing signals may suggest they are ready to make a purchase decision. When paid attention to, buying signals can help a salesperson avoid losing the grip on a person interested in making a purchase.

Understanding what buying signals are can help you understand how to close sales more quickly, and who is more likely to buy a product or service. The actions by potential customers that indicate a likelihood to purchase a product or service are known as buying signals.

2. Buying Signals For B2B Sales and Marketing Teams

For B2B sales and marketing teams, the buying signals are particularly valuable. Data is the key to all online transactions in 2022.

They help hone in on the best prospects, saving you time and closing more deals. One of the biggest advantages of buying signals from customers on the internet is that you can use them across the company to make decisions on single prospects.

Buying signals is one of the key reasons why your business needs a website, no matter what you are selling.

Consumers may send purchasing signals at different points during a purchase. Internet buying signals include:

  • Visiting the brand website
  • Searching the sites search bar for a particular product
  • Adding an item to a cart but not making a full purchase

To take advantage of buying signals you need to be adept at the art of lead nurturing though you will first need to understand what is lead nurturing?

This signal can be identified in either a sales rep-to-prospect conversation or in the content of your site.

3. In-Person Buying Signals

A change in tone of voice, body movements, and how the prospect looks to you: are all nonverbal buying signals. A good salesperson should be able to identify subtle buying signals to know when to initiate the conversation that will result in a close sale.

If your prospect is engaged in what you are talking about, asking engaging questions about how they could use your product or service, it is a great buying signal.

Train Your Staff To Detect Buying Signals

By taking buying signals that show that they are sales-ready, and using those signals to create a targeted sales plan that catches a prospect’s attention, interest, and, later, confidence, companies can set themselves up for success.

Companies like yours can get a higher proportion of close-win deals. In turn, you will make higher profits.

For information on buying signals be sure to check out the rest of our site.