4 Email Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses


Did you know that email marketing delivers the highest return on investment (ROI) out of all the marketing channels? For every dollar you spend, you get back around $42. If you are looking to perfect your own email marketing campaigns, you are in the right place.

We have put this guide together to share our top email marketing ideas to help you out.

1. Address the Recipients as Humans

It is easy to forget that a human being will be opening your email, but this is a huge detail you don’t want to forget. Your email marketing should always keep humanity at the top of the list in order to create emails that are authentic, and show human qualities such as compassion, humor, and empathy.

One way to humanize your emails is to include an authentic signature. There are programs out there where you can digitally add your actual signature to the end of the email. Another tip when humanizing your emails is to offer the recipient a real way to reply to the email.

When someone replies, this gives you the opportunity to have an actual conversation and build a relationship. Enlisting the help from a full service email marketing is a great way to get tips from the pros on how to make your email sound as humanly as possible.

2. Make the Subject Lines Short

Most email recipients open emails with shorter subject lines because they can read the entire subject before opening the email. The more you are able to tell the recipient with fewer words, the better it is for your email to be opened.

Try not to make your subject line longer than 10 words.

3. Mobile Friendly Emails

With so many people using their phones to open emails, you want to make sure you create emails that will look good when they are opening it from a phone. Have you ever opened an email that the formatting looks off and the design looks bad? Most of us have, and the first thing we do is close out of it.

In order to make your email mobile friendly, place all the important text, centered in the email. Also, use a bigger font size and create one-column emails.

4. Personalization

Along with being human, personalize your email campaigns. When possible, use the recipient’s name to personalize your emails, but without overusing their name. You can get creative with personalization and not only add their first name in the greeting of the email, you can also sprinkle it throughout the email and add it in the subject line if appropriate.

Ready to Apply These Email Marketing Ideas?

Now that you learned our top email marketing ideas, we hope we have your creative wheels spinning. Now you can apply the marketing ideas you see fit from our list above and see what works best for your company.

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