6 Business Card Designing Errors and How to Avoid Them


You just handed someone your business card.

They glance at it. In that split second they judged you, your business, and whether they wish to deal with you further.

You need to get your business card right. Failure to do so means you come across as unprofessional and incompetent. If you want to avoid that fate, then keep reading for our list of common business card designing errors and how to fix them.

1. Outdated Or Incomplete Information

There is no point in giving someone a business card if it does not tell them about yourself. Including relevant contact information is your number one priority.

Make sure it is up to date. If you include outdated information then you will appear disreputable and unprofessional. Only include social media handles for platforms you are active on, or people will assume your business doesn’t get up to much.

2. Not Using The Back Of The Card

If you fail to use the back of your card then you halved your available space. The best business card designs use the front of the card for the most important details but also include extra information on the back.

You can be creative with this. Consider adding a QR code that links to your website or mailing list, or perhaps a discount coupon.

3. Too Much Or Too Little Information

There is a balance to be struck when designing your card.

If you include too much information or artwork then the card will appear cluttered and it will be difficult to read. People are lazy so they simply won’t read your card. Conversely, if you include too little information, then people won’t have enough contact information to get hold of you or your business.

Making sure there is enough white space on the card is a good way to get this balance right. White space in between artwork and words allows people to focus on what you have written.

4. Poor Choice Of Color Or Font

Many poor designs have a poor choice of card font and colors, making it hard to read. Text on cards should be large and must contrast clearly with the background.

Don’t try to be too creative with your choice of font. If the typography is hard to read then people will hardly give your card a second glance.

5. No Branding

Everyone has a business card. If yours isn’t unique then your business will not stand out from the crowd.

Including some form of branding, like a logo or stylized border, will build some brand recognition. This must be in the same style as your other branding because inconsistent branding will be detrimental to your firm’s image.

6. Not Having Correct Trim, Bleed, And Safety Lines

The trim line where the card will be cut. It defines the final dimensions of the card so make sure it is the correct size of 2″ x 3.5″.

Within this lies the safety line. Anything not in here is at risk of being cut off when the card goes into production. It is therefore critical that all of your text stays within this line.

Finally, there needs to be a bleed line defined beyond the trim line. All artwork that reaches the trim line must be extended to the bleed line. This ensures the design reaches the side of the card without any ugly white lines around the edge.

Many people neglect these simples rules of design and end up with missing text or unprofessional white edging on their artwork. After you make sure that you haven’t fallen into the same trap, it is time to print.

Printing business cards is a simple process, just send the design to a printing service in your area. For instance, in Texas, you can use FAS Postal Services for your Printing and Mailbox Rental needs.

Avoiding The Main Business Card Designing Errors Is Easy

You’re now all clued up on how to make a success of your business card. Nothing is stopping you from getting that new design you’ve been working on to the printers.

Why not share with a friend so they can avoid these common business card designing errors too?