7 Amazing Benefits of Managed IT Services


Few things are more important to your company than protecting your data. Whether you’re a small business or a corporate juggernaut, you need to keep your business information safe and sound.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. Every day, hackers and criminals are looking for new ways to infiltrate systems and get access to databases and information from companies around the world.

That’s why business security is more important than ever. By optimizing your business cybersecurity, you can prevent unscrupulous people from stealing your business’s private information.

One great way to improve your company security is to use managed IT services. Managed IT services offer a wide variety of benefits, but increased security is one of the biggest.

Read on to learn seven ways managed IT services can improve your business security.

1. Less Stress for Staff

One of the most immediate benefits of managed IT solutions is that they will handle all the routine work that your in-house IT staff normally has to deal with, leaving your employees with more free time.

This is an enormous relief for your information technology staff. They’ll be able to take the time that they’d normally waste on mundane but necessary work and spend it on more pressing challenges.

Instead of patching systems or monitoring for potential issues, your staff can focus their energies on improving your products. That means your operation will be more efficient, and as a result, safer.

By cutting out these extra duties, your team will also be able to respond more quickly to threats.

2. Better Monitoring

As mentioned above, monitoring is one of the major tasks that managed IT services can take care of for your company. IT monitoring is crucial for your company, helping identify issues in your systems.

When you do all of your monitoring in-house, it’s easy to miss things, even if you have a great team. Your capacity to monitor is limited by the size of your IT department and the number of hours they’re on the job.

Managed IT services will be able to identify and respond to issues more quickly because they have more time and resources to allocate to monitoring.

With more people monitoring your systems continuously, you can root out problems before they get out of hand.

3. The Expertise You Need

No matter how educated and well-trained your IT employees are, they will inevitably face an issue they aren’t sure how to solve. Technology is complex, and no one can be an expert in every aspect of it.

This is another area where managed IT services can help: they have access to a much larger staff, which means they can find the expertise to handle any problem you might come across.

Whether you’re working with new programs or dealing with an error you’ve never seen before, managed IT services can find the right person to tackle the job right away.

4. Trained Security Specialists

Your in-house IT team has a lot on their plate; in all likelihood, they don’t have time to stay on top of the latest threats to business cybersecurity. A managed IT service will have several people who excel in that area, though.

Everything we’ve discussed so far improves security indirectly: more focused IT staff, faster response times, and so on. Now it’s time to acknowledge that these services also impact your security directly.

The security experts employed by managed IT services are at the top of their field, trained in cutting-edge business security strategies and technology. They have access to top-notch software and deep knowledge of cyber threats.

Your own staff might even pick up some security tips from these experts!

5. Help When You Need It

You never know exactly when you’re going to need tech support. Often, problems arise at the most inconvenient times; if your in-house IT staff isn’t available, you might have to wait hours before your problem is addressed.

With managed IT services, you don’t have to worry about that–you’ll have support right at your fingertips whenever an issue occurs. You can also rest assured that the help you get will have the expertise you need.

Best of all, you won’t be interrupting your own support staff. They’ll still be able to focus on their work while you get assistance.

There’s a convenience factor here, too: no matter what piece of tech you’re having trouble with, you know exactly who to contact. Managed IT services help streamline the entire troubleshooting process.

6. More Efficient Cloud Usage

Cloud computing has steadily grown more popular over the years, and that trend is slowing down–quite the opposite. Understanding cloud processes and security is still a specialized skill set, though.

Managed IT services can help you set up cloud services that will revolutionize your business; they’ll also allow you to use cloud computing to its full potential.

Cloud computing has unique risks when it comes to company security, but don’t worry–the same experts who can optimize your cloud efficiency will also know the best cloud security measures.

7. Backup and Recovery

No matter how careful your company is, there’s always the risk that an accident or disaster could result in the loss of valuable data. When that happens, you need to have support for the recovery process.

Like monitoring, data backup is one of the many routine duties that managed IT services can help with. They’ll back up your data regularly so that you won’t lose anything valuable if a system crashes.

Data will be backed up to a secure location, preserving your information no matter what happens. Thanks to the constant support you receive from your IT services, getting that data back after an emergency will be fast and easy.

Improve Your Business Security

By outsourcing your information technology services, you can make your business security better than ever before. Your processes will become more efficient, you’ll be protected in emergencies, and your own IT team will thank you!

Hiring managed IT services is only one way to streamline your small business. For more advice on how to grow and improve your company, visit our business blog!