5 Tire Maintenance Tips to Help You Stay Safe on the Road


Did you know many scientists believe the first wheels were invented by the ancient Mesopotamians about 5,000 years ago? Wheels were used for creating pottery, pulling chariots, toys, and military purposes.

As time rolled on, the wheel developed significantly. The tire on your car represents a huge evolution of the rudimentary wheels of ancient history.

As wheels and tires continue to evolve, so too does the maintenance they require. Proper tire maintenance will ensure your car rides the roads as safely as possible. Keep reading to learn 5 tire maintenance tips to boost the safety of your road travel.

1. Monitor Tire Pressure

Maintaining the right tire pressure is essential to elongating the life of your tires. Tire pressure affects:

  • Fuel consumption
  • Durability
  • Safety

As part of your regular tire maintenance, at least once a month you should check the pressure of all four of your tires. Make sure you check the pressure when the tires are “cold”. That means at least three hours after driving.

You should be able to find the tire inflation pressure standards in your car’s owner’s manual or in the driver’s side door edge. Additionally, many tire shops will check tire pressure for free.

2. Watch Tread Depth

Tread gives your car gripping power. This prevents the car from sliding and slipping, especially in poor weather conditions like ice or rain. When the tread on the tires wears down to 2/32nds of an inch, it’s time for new tires.

A common way to check your tires is the “penny test”. Pull out a penny and place President Lincoln’s head into the ditch of the tread. If you can see the top of his head, you know the tires are worn down and you should schedule a tire replacement.

If your tire fails the penny test and you need to replace it, make sure you buy the right tires for your car. At ozzytyres.com.au you can use their helpful application for finding the right sized tires for your car.

3. Get a Rotation Going

Tires will wear down in different ways depending on their position on the car. By making tire rotation a normal part of your car maintenance, you can mix up the wear pattern on the tires and get more use out of them.

Check your owner’s manual, but most vehicle manufacturers recommend rotation the tires every 5,000 to 10,000 miles.

4. Keep Things Aligned

Tire alignment can shift out of balance when you go over bumps or drive in potholes. When the alignment shifts, the angle at which your tires hit the road changes. Tires out of alignment wear down faster and in an irregular manner.

Test for alignment by driving on a straight road. Carefully remove your hands from the steering wheel. If your car continues to drive straight, your alignment is correct.

Don’t Skip Tire Maintenance

To protect yourself, your car, and all those who ride in it, perform these tire maintenance steps. You’ll be grateful for quality tire performance in the event of a rainy day or a quick “slam on the breaks” moment.

Don’t stop here! If you want to learn more about car care, check out the other helpful posts on our blog today!