A Brief History of Hot Wheels


Hot Wheels cars are emblematic of many people’s childhoods. There are few miniature cars that evoke the same excitement and intrigue as Hot Wheels cars do.

Behind the wonder of these cars, though, there’s a lot of history and culture. We’re going to take a brief look at the history of Hot Wheels today, giving you some insight into the company and how it’s operated over the years.

Hopefully, the ideas below enhance your appreciation for these wonderful kids’ toys. Let’s get started.

The History Of Hot Wheels Cars

The story of Hot Wheels starts with a man named Elliot Handler. He was amazed at the intrigue that matchbox cars provided his son. He took note of that wonder and amazement and thought a company that sold specialty miniature cars might be very successful.

The company’s famous, flaming logo first showed up in 1968. The original logo wasn’t a far cry from the company’s current logo. Although it’s gone through more than a dozen iterations over the company’s 53 years in business, the logo remains.

It’s a symbol that’s stamped into the hearts and minds of all those who grew up on Hot Wheels cars. At this point, there have been at least four or five generations of children who enjoyed Hot Wheels.

Mattel Toys

An important thing to note is that Elliot Handler was the co-founder of Mattel Toys. The Mattel company is still one of the largest and most successful toy companies in the world today.

At the time of Hot Wheels’ origin, the company was already an industry titan. Some culturally iconic brands the company produces are American Girl, Barbie, UNO, Thomas the Train Engine, Hot Wheels, and Fisher-Price products.

Handler’s partners, Matt Matson and Ruth Handler weren’t keen on the idea of miniature cars. Elliot persisted, though, and we have to thank him for that effort.

The result of their efforts is a selection of cars, fictional and real, that spans almost the entire imagination of any car lover. The presence of Hot Wheels, no doubt, inspired thousands of children to be race car drivers, mechanics, collectors, and more.

Collectibles And Value

Hot Wheels are also the source of a healthy network of collectors. People look far and wide to acquire valuable Hot Wheels models and complete their collections.

Some models, such as the Beach Bomb Bus, are valued at almost $150,000. That’s an outlier in terms of value, but old Hot Wheels cars are exciting items for collectors to find and sell on the market.

If there’s a special Hot Wheels toy from your childhood, odds are that you could find it somewhere on the collectible market.

Want To Learn More About The Hot Wheels Car?

There’s a lot more to learn about the History of Hot Wheels. We’re here to help you get as much information on your favorite relics of the past as you need. Sometimes, relics from your past are only a few clicks away.

Explore our site for more ideas on children’s toys, memorabilia, marketing history, and a whole lot more.