How to Do Better in School: The Key Tips to Know


On the surface, it appears straightforward: achieve excellent grades in high school to be accepted into a good college. You may even know what your GPA should be if you have an idea of which college you want to attend. But do you know how to do better in school to reach this goal?

Your grades are a direct reflection of your work as a student. Getting good grades demonstrates to universities that you are a competent student capable of succeeding in a demanding academic setting.

Whether you want to boost your grades now or plan ahead for college, following these key tips will put you in the ideal position to succeed in school. Keep reading to learn more about how to do better in school.

Stay Positive

It’s natural to be unhappy when your grades are lower than expected. When you consistently receive lesser marks than you had hoped for, you may begin to feel discouraged or depressed, and you may think about giving up on school — don’t quit!

The first step toward better grades is to flip this attitude on its head. You must be optimistic about the situation if you hope to see it improve! However, this is easier said than done.

Recognize that your grades aren’t where you want them to be, yet trust that you can improve. Taking mental control of the situation is a great start. For example, instead of thinking “I am a failure,” believe “I can and will perform better than this.”

Don’t give up! Set attainable goals and keep making an effort to reach the successes that you’re capable of achieving.

Participate in Class

Being active and involved makes it easier to pay close attention to what you are doing. Passively listening, especially in school, makes it difficult to recall what was taught because you weren’t fully engaged.

Your ability to engage is affected by your instructor, the course, and your own attitude. Some professors prefer to teach with little interaction from their students. However, most teachers today understand the value of student engagement and the need to make meaningful participation accessible to all students.

Class participation is a terrific method to grasp the content and show your teacher that you’re actively trying.

Work on Problem Areas

Before you can devise a strategy, you must first determine which areas require attention. Identify the areas in which you are failing and why.

Are your grades lower than you’d like them to be across all topics, or is there one specific problem area you’re struggling with?

Examine your grades over the previous few months for any patterns. Is there a decline in academic success, or have your grades always been lower than you wish? Are your grades consistently low in the same areas, such as one tough subject?

The answers to these questions are likely to be obvious to you, but putting them down on paper may help clarify things for you.

Next, consider why you aren’t performing to your highest potential in these areas. Are there any outside factors affecting your grades, such as family difficulties or anxiety about a social situation at school? Are you having trouble with any specific academic skills, such as taking notes or writing papers?

These are all elements that might be hurting your academic performance. After you’ve identified the issue, which could be a mix of several things, you can begin addressing it.

If the issues are external, you’ll need to take efforts to resolve them so that they no longer interfere with your academics. Contacting a counselor, for example, may be beneficial.

Get the Supplies You Need

Participating in class won’t be possible without the right supplies and equipment. For example, if you have online classes, you will need a reliable laptop for school and access to the internet.

If you need to find laptops on sale, there are many excellent options available to you. Having the best school laptop can help tremendously with academic improvement, even if you don’t have online classes. When students have access to the best technology, it creates more opportunities to learn.

You will also need to make sure you have all of your class materials, including any required textbooks or reading materials. Being prepared is a very important step to academic success.

Take Good Notes

It’s a well-known truth that straight A students pay attention in class and take thorough notes. Not all students know how to take notes, and some schools do not focus on teaching these important skills. Taking good notes is a skill that must be learned and understood if you want to improve your grades.

Everyone does not take notes in the same way. It is beneficial for some students to write down their notes, while other students prefer to record the professors lectures and take notes afterwards, when they have more time.

In general, it is not a good idea to take notes on every single word the teacher says. Instead, highly effective note taking requires understanding what’s relevant and writing down only the most critical details.

If taking notes doesn’t feel natural to you right off the bat, don’t be discouraged; taking notes is a skill which takes time to get right. As your knowledge and experience grow, you will most likely obtain higher grades too.

Ask for Help

Many high school students may think that they should only request additional help if your instructor directly suggests it, or if they are receiving failing grades.

This couldn’t be further from the truth! In reality, any good teacher would be pleased to support you anytime you need help. It is good to get help early when you don’t understand the subject, instead of waiting until you are failing to try and turn it around.

Setting aside time to speak with your professor outside of class is always an excellent use of your time. Your teacher can help you understand homework assignments, test results, and more. They don’t want to give you poor grades — they want to assist you in learning the content.

However, if you do ask for help, you will get more out of it if you plan your questions beforehand. Don’t ask the teacher to repeat the entire lecture. Instead, think about what you’re struggling with and ask for help with that specific area.

Study on a Schedule

You probably have hobbies, volunteer obligations, family duties, and more, so staying on top of your education isn’t always simple. Time management might be the most effective tool you have for improving your grades.

Making a study schedule could benefit you in organizing your time and reducing rushing or procrastinating. You’ll be less stressed and better prepared to understand the subject if you study and learn in smaller fragments rather than all at once. Block out a particular period per day for every class in a calendar or appointment book.

A study plan should be adaptable and flexible to your style of learning as well as your individual situation. Even if your study schedule is occasionally disturbed, the fact that it exists can be extremely beneficial, and can help you improve your grades.

Get Organized

Along with planning your study schedule, you should get the rest of your school materials and assignments organized.

Make use of a planner or another method of organizing. Some people prefer to use electronic tools in the same way, such as setting reminders with Siri.

Keep track of due dates and course schedules. Put your study strategy to work! After you’ve created an organized system, use it often, and it will quickly become a habit.

Keep all of your assignments, exams, and class materials in one place. Don’t just discard old class work or papers on your bedroom floor or in the trunk of your car. Keeping all essential course material in one place will help tremendously. You may want them for preparing for tests, meeting with your teacher to discuss issues, and calculating your grade in the course.

Get Rid of Any Distractions

To get the most out of your studies, you must maintain concentration, which includes avoiding distractions as much as possible.

In today’s world, it’s difficult to avoid being distracted by alerts on your cellphone, laptop, or other electronic device. However, to maintain productive study sessions, you must filter out all of these distractions to concentrate on your academics.

Do all that you can to keep distractions to a minimum and develop effective study habits. Set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode so that you will not get notifications or alerts. Keep yourself away from social media as well as other distracting sites while you are studying.

Physical distractions also occur for many students. It is possible to increase your performance and achieve better grades by maintaining a well-organized work space and arranging your files and other papers. Organizing your physical environment can be just as crucial as managing your time in certain situations.

Develop Good Writing Habits

One or more writing assignments are common in most courses, which range from short responses to exam papers. Employing the following guidelines of excellent writing can help you do better on these assignments.

Organize Your Thoughts With an Outline

Prepare your thoughts before even beginning to write. You should create an outline before beginning to write your paper. Outline exactly what you’d like to discuss in your paper and go from there.

Understand the Assignment

It’s essential to know your professor’s expectations before you start writing. Understand the mechanics of the paper (footnotes, margins, font, cover sheet, etc.) and the reference system.

Check Your Work

Create a rough draft, and get feedback from others when you can. If you can provide the professor with a draft to review before the actual due date, you’ll have a quality essay and may get a better grade as well.

Edit and Rewrite

Recognize that revising and editing are your best friends. No one is a talented enough writer to complete the perfect essay in a single sitting. The most talented writers have a process that they go through.

Even better, form a system with a friend and proofread each other’s papers.

Study, Study, Study

This one may seem obvious, but in addition to having a study plan, you should pay attention to how you are studying. Spend at least three hours studying outside of school for every hour in class. For certain classes, you may need more time to learn the topic.

Early and frequent study is recommended. Breaking up your studies into small periods will make it less of a pain – and will allow your mind to digest the content before moving on.

Improve your study skills by developing and putting into practice sound study habits. Studying will become second nature if you make it a habit to do it.

Determine your preferred method of studying and learning. Certain individuals require perfect stillness to focus, while others prefer a little background noise. Discover what works best for you and adhere to it.

Learn How to Do Better in School to Get Good Grades

Following these rules should result in important improvements in your grades, but here is one more suggestion: Remember to think of your teachers as partners rather than opponents while discussing your work.

The teacher’s objective is for every student to study and master the course topics. If you grasp the contents, you should receive a high grade in the course.

If you’re having trouble with a particular area of the class, just ask the instructor for help. They are here to assist you in learning how to do better in school.