The Latest Small Business Marketing Ideas You Can Start Using Today


Marketing is as important for large companies and corporations as it is for small mom-and-pop shops. You can sell the best products on the market and provide the best service above your competitors. However, without marketing, no one knows that you and your business exist.

Marketing helps your customers to find you.

If you’re looking for small business marketing ideas to level up your marketing game, look no further. Here are the latest smart marketing techniques to help grow your small business.

1. Show Behind the Scenes

A popular small business marketing idea that has swept social media platforms is showing the behind-the-scenes of your small business. Give your customers a sneak peek behind the curtains of how you operate your small business.

You can show them daily routines including how you process and package your customers’ orders. You can also share with them any complications that you encountered in your business, and how you plan to solve that problem.

This helps your customers feel closer to you and your business, even if they’ve never heard about your brand or shopped from you.

2. Create Helpful Content

If you have some kind of knowledge that can help others out, create content and put it out there. Even if you don’t consider yourself an expert on what you’re teaching, you have credibility simply for having experienced something firsthand.

For example, you can create helpful content that helps small business owners get started running a successful business. What are some tips and tricks you’ve learned along the way that changed the way you run your business?

People pay attention to genuine, helpful content that can improve their lives in some way. Improved brand awareness of your business is just a side effect.

3. Get on TikTok

689 million–that’s how many monthly active users this social media platform garners.

As a small business owner who wants to increase their traffic, sales, and revenue, you must incorporate this kind of innovative marketing in your marketing efforts.

Gary Vaynerchuk predicted it long before it happened. TikTok is the platform to be on if you want to grow your business.

Sit down to create a content strategy that

  • builds brand awareness
  • provides helpful content
  • advertises your products and services

Include other smart marketing goals you would like to achieve and build that into your content strategy.

Customers don’t want to feel like they’re being sold to all the time, so vary your content efforts. Find a good balance between providing helpful content and advertising so that customers are more receptive to you and your brand.

4. Add Freebies

Going above and beyond in each customer interaction encourages repeat business from these customers. An easy way to exceed expectations is to throw in freebies! Who doesn’t like receiving gifts?

Brand custom patches are an easy way to market and promote your brand and make your customers happy. These patches can be used to customize apparel and personal belongings including jackets, backpacks, gloves, and more.

Small Business Marketing Ideas to Try Today

Marketing is an art, and how you market your small business may differ from marketing efforts by other small business owners. However, these are four smart marketing ideas that can help to expand your business.

Have you tried any of these small business marketing ideas yet? Which one will you incorporate into your marketing efforts? Let us know!

To learn more on how to grow and expand your business, follow our business and marketing sections!