3 Summer Event Ideas for Bars and Clubs


It’s summer, and people are champing at the bit to get out and have some fun at their local bars. 

After the annus horribilis that was 2020, and in the wake of a pandemic that devastated businesses across the land, there are literally hordes of prospective bar patrons ravening to burst out of their hovels and get back to playing pool and beer pong. 

We thought we’d help you out by assembling this list of three great event ideas that you can host at your bar or brewery to keep your patrons coming back for more.   

1. Trivia Night

Sometimes the most innovative bar ideas are the simplest ones. 

Nerds love bars and they love their sci-fi trivia. Advertising is key. Make up some flyers with a free flyer maker, post them around town, and get ready for some nerdy fun. 

And while we’re speaking of trivia, it’s important to observe that another great trivia event for your bar would be a Marvel or DC trivia night, wherein participants can demonstrate the immensity of their nerdy knowledge.

Let patrons test their familiarity with the arcana of comic books and movies, and have a great time doing it. 

2. Sports Night

This is an old standby when it comes to brewery event ideas, and, yes, that also means it’s one of the best. 

The Olympics are back after being postponed for the first time since the Second World War, when the games were twice canceled during the hostilities. So why not celebrate the occasion with a great sports night, and cheer on your favorite teams?  

And while it may not strike you as a sport, in-person RPG gaming, such as D&D, can be one of the best bar business ideas out there. These gaming sessions can last for months, and there’s always a built-in return customer base.

That’s why you should consider making your bar a great place for gamers to come and do their thing.   

3. Competitions and Classes

Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? We’ve alluded to various trivia events above, but there are many other ways to compete for points. It’s important to remember that the idea is to keep things light and easy so people will want to play. 

But if competitions and games aren’t your thing, try to mix things up a bit by offering some night classes. These are fun events that will keep people coming back for more. Examples of ideas include teaching patrons how to make cocktails, or perhaps an art class to explore creative techniques. 

Make the Most of These Summer Event Ideas

These are just a few event ideas that we think you can use to liven things up in your bar or club, because now that people are ready to get back out to mix and mingle, just about any fun event idea should be enough to lure them back to their favorite watering hole. 

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