4 Wellness Supplements Everyone Should Know About


Something that this pandemic period has taught us is that our bodies are precious. Many people have been showing great concern for their health by taking wellness supplements. But if you’re new to the supplementing world, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and all the companies vying for your attention.

Well, this article is going to help you get back to basics. We’ll provide you with the most common supplements to get you started. If you want to know what they are, stick with us and we’ll fill you in!


Recently, there has been a lot of new studies on the importance of gut health. It turns out that our gut regulates far more of our body and mind than we once thought. This is probably why probiotics have had such a resurgence in recent times.

Probiotics aid to keep your digestive system in harmony which can have a knock-on effect like boosting the immune system and even improving your mood. Scientists are now calling the gut the “second brain”. So taking daily supplements of probiotics is a fundamental practice that will help to strengthen other parts of your body with very little effort.


This is the area that newcomers tend to get the most overwhelmed with. Vitamins come in many forms, some that are abundant in foods, some that are not.

For instance, Vitamin D is predominantly absorbed from sunlight, but if we live in a gloomy area this particular vitamin may be hard to come by. If you’re a vegan (or an aspiring one), you might find some B groups a challenge to find in your food.

Taking vitamins is not something to be taken lightly. They are essential for our blood and bones and we could quite literally die without them! So, unless you have a specific need for a particular vitamin, a simple multivitamin supplement like the Multivitamins from Vitabiotics would be a good place to start.

Fish Oil

Fish oil contains the very famous Omega-3. These fatty acids have an abundance of beneficial properties, especially concerning heart and brain health. Its anti-inflammatory benefits are also being studied in treating conditions like depression and anxiety.


This is one of the top supplements that most of us don’t get enough of. Magnesium boasts a variety of benefits especially among those who struggle with low energy and conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. It has also been known to help with insomnia and stress.

Magnesium is present in hundreds of chemical reactions in our bodies so don’t underestimate this one.

Choose the Right Wellness Supplements for You

Remember that wellness supplements are a support, not a cure. Supplements do exactly what their name claims—they supplement a healthy diet, exercise routine, and sleep quality.

When you give your mind and body the care attention they deserve, you can be confident that the supplements you choose will work in favor. So, ask yourself, “What do I need, not just from my supplements, but from myself?”

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