8 Common Signs of Low Testosterone (Male Hypogonadism)


Did you know that the average normal testosterone level for males is 679ng/dL? Typically, a man will reach his testosterone peak levels at around twenty years, after which it starts to decline at about 1% annually.

Testosterone, a sex hormone primarily associated with men, plays a significant role in the body. Besides developing bones and muscles, testosterone helps in voice deepening, hair growth, and sperm production.

The production of testosterone decreases as you grow older. So male hypogonadism becomes more prevalent among older males.

You can keep your testosterone levels normal by having good nutrition, exercising regularly, and managing your weight.

Read on to learn eight common signs of low testosterone in men.

1. Decreased Sex Drive

As a sex hormone, testosterone contributes largely to maintaining the sex drive in men. A decline in sex drive in men can also result from old age.

Even so, if you suffer male hypogonadism, you’ll experience a significant drop in your urge to have sex.

It gets hard for you to achieve and maintain an erection with low testosterone levels. The testosterone hormone stimulates receptors in your brain to produce nitric oxide.

This molecule triggers some chemical reactions in the body for an erection to occur.

You can treat erectile dysfunction by undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. High blood pressure and cholesterol levels can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Low testosterone also affects the volume of semen produced in males. Semen is the milky fluid that helps in sperm motility. You’ll notice a drastic drop in the amount of semen produced during ejaculation if you suffer from male hypogonadism.

2. Hair Loss

Hair production is among the many body functions performed by testosterone in your body. As a man grows old, he’ll start experiencing some balding symptoms.

Nonetheless, if you have low testosterone levels, you may experience loss of body and facial hair.

3. Loss of Muscle Mass

The testosterone hormone stimulates the growth and buildup of muscles in males. Research has shown that men suffering from male hypogonadism experience a decrease in their muscle mass.

However, low testosterone doesn’t affect the strength or function of your muscles.

You can also experience an increase in body fat if your testosterone levels are low. In most cases, you will develop gynecomastia. This entails the increase in the amount of breast gland tissue in males.

Gynecomastia results from an imbalance in testosterone and estrogen levels in the body. It can also affect either or both of the breasts, causing uneven growth.

4. Reduced Bone Mass

Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning condition that’s often linked to females. Still, men suffering from low testosterone also fall victim to this condition.

Your body produces the testosterone hormone responsible for producing and strengthening bones. Older males with low testosterone will have a reduced bone volume and be predisposed to bone fractures.

It becomes difficult to get or stay asleep if you suffer from low testosterone. Most men that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea have registered low testosterone levels.

The sleeping disorder makes you stop breathing temporarily and will interfere with your deep sleep.

5. Change in Moods

Besides other body functions, your testosterone levels will affect your mood and mental capacity. According to research, males with low testosterone levels become more susceptible to depression, irritability, and poor focus.

Undergoing a testosterone replacement therapy will significantly boost your moods and reduce your depression symptoms. That way, you can lead a happy and quality life.

Some studies have also shown that low testosterone negatively affects your memory. Even so, more research is ongoing in this field of study.

6. Reduced Testicle Size

A reduction in your testicle size can also indicate low testosterone. Your scrotum may also start feeling softer than normal for reasons not related to cold temperatures.

Your body needs testosterone to develop your manhood and testicles. Nevertheless, having a small penis or small testicles isn’t caused by having low testosterone alone.

Other factors like excessive alcohol and smoking will also hinder the growth of your male private parts.

7. Lowered Blood Counts

According to research, male hypogonadism increases the risk of anemia. There were improvements in blood counts after giving a testosterone gel to a group of anemic men with low testosterone levels.

Anemic conditions affect your concentration and make you dizzy. You’ll also experience leg cramping, sleeping problems, and abnormal heartbeat rates.

8. Fatigue

Excessive fatigue and low energy levels also occur in men suffering from low testosterone. Sometimes you may feel like you’re always tired despite having enough sleep. It’s recommended to have at least eight hours of sleep every day.

Also, you may feel unmotivated to exercise. When you continue feeling exhausted, consider signing up for testosterone therapy classes.

It’s advisable to visit your doctor if you’re experiencing any signs of low testosterone. While most male hypogonadism symptoms are common, they might expose other underlying issues.

Your doctor will recommend a medical diagnosis to determine if you’re suffering from low testosterone. If the results come back positive, your doctor will recommend the best testosterone replacement for you.

Most people try to remedy their conditions using treatments not recommended by a medical professional. Trying to self-treat your male hypogonadism condition can lead to more severe effects.

Your doctor will also take you through the possible side effects of each treatment. That way, you’ll stand in a better position to know the testosterone replacement treatment that works for you.

Male Hypogonadism

Treating male hypogonadism is a process and will require your patience to see results. These therapy sessions can help treat your sexual problems that lead to infertility.

The sessions also prevent you from getting serious anemic conditions by increasing the hemoglobin production rate in your blood.

That being the case, no convincing evidence exists of testosterone treatment curing memory loss. You must undergo regular checkups to ensure that your testosterone levels don’t go beyond or below the normal range.

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