Sun Protection Tips To Keep You Safe in the Summer Sun


An estimated 90% of skin aging is caused by the sun. The sun can also cause other damage to our health, from heatstroke to more.

It’s a shame, since there’s nothing better than going out on a hot day and enjoying the warmth. However, it’s important to take some steps to make sure you stay safe outside when the sun is high in the sky.

Here are some sun protection tips you should follow in the summer.

Wear Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen is perhaps the most important thing you can do when it comes to protecting your skin. It will, first and foremost, stop you from burning, which can happen without you realizing it.

If you’re prone to burning, make sure you choose a high factor and are generous with it. You may even want to take it out with you so you can reapply it midway through the day — better too much than too little.

Take Breaks

To prevent damage from the sun to your body, you’ll also want to take plenty of breaks from it. Lying on the beach all day may sound like heaven but with no shade, you’re sure to see some consequences later on and regret your decision.

To mitigate the risk, make sure you take plenty of breaks. Find an indoor spot with some air conditioning or at least move to the shade every now and again.


Another key way of enjoying the summer without risk is to ensure you hydrate. This is emphasized in many areas of health education because it’s so important for your body.

Water or drinks with plenty of electrolytes are best for this, but even soda is good in a pinch.

Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses are great to prevent damage to the eyes, as the bright sun can wear them down.

If you pick sunglasses that filter out UV light, this is even better for your eyesight.

Avoid the Sun in Middle of the Day

If you can, avoiding the sun in the middle of the day (from around noon to three) is best. This is when the UV rays are at their strongest and it is, ultimately, the UV rays that will do the most damage to your body.

This is a great time or take that indoor break or languish in the shade and return to the sun when it’s beginning to cool off a little.

Follow These Sun Protection Tips to Stay Safe

We all love the summer, but it’s important to remember these sun protection tips to ensure you don’t have any consequences of enjoying the sun later. Put on some sunscreen, wear some sunglasses, and make sure you take frequent breaks and hydrate.

This will keep you enjoying the summer pain-free!

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