Workplace Hygiene: 7 Tips to Keep Your Office Bathroom Clean


According to a recent survey, people use their office bathrooms to do all kinds of things.

About 80% of people use them to actually go to the bathroom. But this survey also found that 24% of people use them to talk on the phone, 22% of people use them to get changed, 15% of people use them to put on makeup, and 15% of people use them to take a break from work.

What does this all mean? Well, it means that you better have clean office bathrooms in place! Practicing the right workplace hygiene is going to be extremely important, especially in terms of your office bathrooms.

If you’re having a tough time keeping your office bathrooms clean at all times, there are some steps you can take to practice better hygiene and sanitation in the workplace. Today, we’re going to walk you through seven tips that will help to get the job done.

Check out these tips below.

1. Provide Your Employees With the Right Supplies in Your Office Bathrooms

Are you providing your employees with all of the right supplies in your office bathrooms at this time? If you’re not, there is a really good chance that your office bathrooms are going to turn into a big mess before long.

It’s important for you to keep your office bathrooms stocked with things like:

  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Soap dispensers
  • Hand soap
  • Automatic hand dryers

Visit to find some of the supplies that you’re going to need to stick in your office bathrooms. It’ll make it so much easier for you to keep your office bathrooms as clean as possible.

2. Set Your Employees Up With Trash Receptacles in Your Office Bathrooms

Your employees are inevitably going to have things that they’ll need to throw away in your office bathrooms. It’s why you need to set them up with trash receptacles to do it.

You’re also going to need to make sure that these trash receptacles have trash bags inside of them. And you’re going to need to make it your mission to empty these trash receptacles out early and often. It’ll stop trash from finding its way to the floors in your office bathrooms.

3. Encourage Your Employees to Clean Up After Themselves in Your Office Bathrooms

Keeping your office bathrooms clean isn’t just your job. It’s the job of all of your company’s employees.

You should take it upon yourself to let them know this in no uncertain terms by encouraging them to clean up after themselves in your office bathrooms. You can do this by posting signs prominently in your office bathroom spaces.

You can do every single thing on this list in an effort to keep your office bathrooms clean by practicing good workplace hygiene. But it’ll all be for naught if your employees choose not to cooperate for one reason or another.

4. Hire a Professional Office Cleaning Company to Handle Scrubbing Your Office Bathrooms

Unless you run a very small business, you’re not going to have the time that it’ll take to clean your office bathrooms. You’ll want to bring in a professional office cleaning company to tackle this task for you.

You can hire this company to come in every week, every few days, or even every single night to clean your office bathrooms. They’ll make them shine every time they visit your office to clean them.

5. Clean Up Your Office Bathrooms Yourself in Emergency Situations

There are going to be times when an emergency situation will result in your office bathrooms getting very dirty in between visits from your office cleaning company. At these times, you might need to roll up your sleeves and clean your office bathrooms yourself to maintain good hygiene practices at work.

This obviously isn’t going to be the most glamorous part of your job. But it is going to need to get done. So you shouldn’t be shy about getting into your office bathrooms and cleaning them as necessary.

6. Send Out Reminders to Your Employees About Keeping Your Office Bathrooms Clean

We already mentioned that you should encourage your employees to work hard to keep your office bathrooms clean. But you shouldn’t stop there.

They’re going to need to be reminded about keeping your office bathrooms clean every now and then. If you ever notice that some of your office bathrooms are getting messier than usual, you should take it upon yourself to send out a reminder to all your employees.

While you’re at it, you might also want to remind them about some of the other ways in which they can help you achieve good hygiene in the workplace.

7. Make It a Point to Renovate Your Office Bathrooms Every So Often

If your company’s office bathrooms are extremely old and outdated, your employees aren’t going to take much pride in them. They won’t think twice about leaving a mess behind since your office bathrooms already look like crap.

It’s why you should make it a point to try and renovate your office bathrooms every 10 years or so. It’ll restore your employees’ pride in your facilities and motivate them to take better care of them as you move forward.

It’ll be so much easier for you to make workplace hygiene a focal point of your operation when you’re constantly making the necessary upgrades to your office.

Practicing Good Workplace Hygiene Starts With Keeping Your Office Bathrooms Clean

You might not think that it’s all that important to keep your office bathrooms clean. But if they’re always dirty, it’s going to reflect poorly on your workplace hygiene.

It’s also going to lead to messes popping up all over the place in other areas of your office. You should get out ahead of this potential problem by rethinking the approach that you’re taking to keeping your office bathrooms clean right now.

Find more tips that will make it possible for your company to practice better workplace hygiene by browsing through the other articles found on our blog.