5 Common Commercial Moving Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Young girl sealing with tape big cardboard box for moving

Are you wanting to set yourself up for success after you make your commercial move?

A commercial move can help you grow your business and expand its opportunities. But if you’ve never done a long-distance or local office move before, you might find yourself committing one of the common commercial moving mistakes.

These can cause you unexpected complications. Below, we’ll get into the top 5 mistakes people make when their businesses move. Keep reading so you don’t make the same errors and can pull your move off without issues!

1. Not Planning Ahead

One of the most common commercial moving mistakes involves not planning far enough ahead.

In some cases, you might need to move at a moment’s notice. This happens when unexpected events happen at a company, such as damage to a building or property.

But if you know you’re going to move, you should start planning months in advance. Get your team together and figure out how you’re going to move each section of your office.

2. Not Clearing Out Your Office

Before you move, you should go through everything in your office and decide what you need.

If you don’t, you’ll end up spending more time and money on your move. The more you have, the more movers will charge you.

To decide what you want to keep, use the one-touch method. Pick up everything in the office once. Look at it and decide whether you want to keep it. Throw it away if you don’t think you’ll use it again.

When in doubt, ask the people around you whether they think you’ll need an object again.

3. Hire Professionals

Smaller business owners might be tempted to not hire movers and cut costs. However, this isn’t a wise idea.

When you hire professionals, you’ll get professional care. Commercial movers have experience working with lots of different types of furniture and can determine how to most safely move yours. They come with insurance policies that will cover any damage that occurs to your property.

In addition, they reduce the likelihood that you’ll have to file a workers’ compensation claim. If you ask your employees to help you move and they become injured, you’ll have to get your insurance to pay for their medical treatment. Movers are covered under their company’s insurance.

4. Not Labeling Your Boxes

As you start to pack your items, make sure you label your boxes. If you don’t, you’ll have to spend time opening all the boxes to figure out what goes where.

With labels, you can tell the movers where you want them to place each box.

5. Not Communicating with Your Movers

Your first time communicating with your movers shouldn’t be on the day of your move. Instead, you should start talking with your movers early on.

First, call the moving company to get an estimate of how much your moving costs will be. You should compare the cost of a few moving companies to make sure you get the best deal. You should also ask the moving company which services they offer. Some will pack for you for an extra price.

Go Beyond Common Commercial Moving Mistakes

Now that you’ve read this guide, you’re equipped to go beyond the common commercial moving mistakes.

Once you get to your new office, ask your moving company to help you start arranging furniture. Know where you want everything to go in advance so you can direct the movers.

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