How to Plan an RV Trip for the Whole Family


Are you and your family bored of taking Disney vacations or trips to Europe when coming together as a family? You might be looking for something different and fun (but also easy on the wallet).

Why not plan an RV trip and get the whole family together on the road for a summer vacation you will never forget?

This way you can explore all those cities, national parks, and monuments in America that you’ve always overlooked or forgotten about, but are magical and gorgeous. Keep reading our guide on how to plan an RV trip that your family will love!

Choose a Route

What do you want your family to see on this RV road trip? Maybe the Yosemite National Park? Or perhaps the Grand Canyon?

Whatever it might be, create a route that includes not only national parks but also other monuments and quirky landmarks on the way. This way you can have a truly unforgettable vacation.

Create a Budget

The great thing about a cross-country RV trip is that it will be quite light on your wallet. You can sleep at campgrounds, fill up water and stock up on other items at Walmarts, and cook all your food. But you will still need to create a budget so you don’t go overboard with your expenses.

Don’t Overpack

Even though you might be tempted to bring all the board games, and clothes your family has at home, be careful when overpacking an RV. You don’t want a flat tire on the road because your RV was stuffed to the gills and unable to handle the load.

Rent or Buy an RV That Fits Your Family’s Needs

Perhaps you already have an RV in the family that you could borrow. If not, then consider what your family would need when on the road (a hot shower?) and purchase or rent an RV that fits your family’s needs. The more comfortable you can be on your RV road trip, the more likely it is that you will enjoy it and repeat the experience.

Stock up All RV Essentials

An RV will need all sorts of equipment and items like extra lithium batteries to ensure that you can take care of any eventualities on the road without getting stuck and having to hitchhike your way to the nearest hotel. Have tools for changing the tire and things like that, so you aren’t reliant upon the goodwill of strangers entirely.

Plan an RV Trip That Suits Your Family’s Travel Style

Now you are ready to plan an RV trip that will suit your family and their travel style, rather than what everyone else is doing. If your family isn’t comfortable camping all the time, make sure to include the cost of hotel rooms in your budget. Also, if you don’t want to be cooking on a campfire every night, then ensure you have some take-out or dine-in meals planned in your route.

Don’t forget to check out other related articles on our website and keep on learning!