Boat Storage: What to Do With Your Boat in the Winter


A cracked hull can set you back $75 0 $110 per hour for a repair job. Needless to say, boat repairs and boat parts don’t come cheap. That’s why it’s so important to ensure proper boat storage during the cold winter months.

It’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your vessel from the cold weather, degradation, pests, and dust and debris. If you’re wondering what to do with a boat in winter, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for everything you need to know.

Outside or Inside Storage Boat Storage?

Before you consider how to store a boat, the most important decision is where to store the boat. If you don’t have your own indoor storage, you may be considering storing it outside or even in the water to save some pennies.

Leaving your boat in the water is an absolute no-no as it’s at risk of theft, damage, freezing, and sinking.

So, either you store it outside, on a trailer, and take all the necessary precautions to keep it safe. Or, you shell out a bit more money for indoor storage to ensure your boat will be in tip-top shape in spring. If you’re looking for a lot to store your boat, check out for the best options.

Remove the Battery

It’s unlikely that your battery ever fully charges during the summer and spring months due to the sporadic and inconsistent use of your boat. When you store your boat over winter, if you leave the battery in, you’ll likely be dealing with a dead battery when you uncover the boat in spring.

To prevent this, remove the battery and keep it in a warm place. If you want to keep the battery in good nick, use a trickle charger to keep it going.

Cover Your Boat

Regardless of where you store your boat, one of the most important aspects of winterizing a boat is to make sure that it’s adequately covered. This is crucial to keep out moisture, dust, and debris that are harmful to the functioning of the vessel.

Shrinkwrapping is a great way to protect the boat from moisture and mildew if you’re storing it outside. For indoor boat storage, tarping your boat will protect it from dust and pests.

The cover should always be waterproof and well-fitted.

Drain Excess Water

When storing a boat for winter, you should take care to drain excess water from the boat and the motor. If water is left in the boat, there is a risk of cracked hulls due to freezing — and insurance doesn’t cover this.

Similarly, frozen water can be disastrous for your motor — also not covered by insurance. If the process seems a bit too complicated, then take it to get professionally winterized.

Get Your Boat Prepared for Winter

Adequately preparing your vessel and organizing sufficient boat storage for the winter is going to save you a lot of money and headaches. Remember to always drain excess water and ensure that the boat is covered to protect it from moisture, dust, and pests.

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