What Are Ball Gages? A Closer Look

Simple universal plastic air pumper kit close up.

Used in a variety of different machines, ball gages are one of the most quietly prolific features of the industrial world. Found on milling machines, lathes, ships, and many more types of machinery, ball gages are a must-have for machine workers.

Ball gages, also known as ball plug gages, are simple in appearance. Featuring a long rod with a single ball on each end, these gages are actually used as a measuring device.

But how do they work? And in what situation would you need to use one?

This guide will explore the fascinating world of ball gages and their many uses.

Ball Gages: An Overview

To build any industrial machine, you will, of course, require very specific measurements. Enter, the ball gage.

Ball gages can help manufacturers adjust measurements for all types of machines. Whether they’re used for cutting, molding, or any other purpose, ball gages ensure precise measurement.

There are many different types and gage sizes to choose from, but at the end of the day, they are all used for measurement purposes. Choosing the right one will depend on your project and needs.

How Ball Gages Work

Using a ball gage is actually a very simple process. The balls on the ball gage are meant to be a specific size, depending on the measurement you need.

So, if the ball does not fit properly into the desired application, then you know you’ll need to make some measurement adjustments.

Because of the precise nature of ball gage measurements, you’ll want to be sure you are getting the right gage size and type. You’ll also want to make sure your ball gages come from a reputable supplier with a dedication for proper measurement.

Choosing the Right Ball Gage

The first thing you should know about choosing the right ball gage is that there are two different types. These are “go” and “no go” ball gages.

While both types feature the familiar rod and ball design, they differ in the movement of the ball. “Go” type gages have a ball that moves freely when inserted into an industrial machine. “No go” gage types, on the other hand, will not move.

Specialty Types

Aside from the two basic types, there are a few specialty types of gaging out there. These include the ball pressure gage.

The ball pressure gage is used to measure the pressure of your industrial machine, not just the size. They work similarly to a regular ball gage but feature a PSI readout to ensure the perfect pressure.

Ball Gage Sizes

Ball gages come in a variety of sizes that can fit any industrial need. Some ball gage kits even include detachable gage pins that can be easily interchanged for a variety of different projects.

Remember, because ball gages are used specifically for measurement, it’s important you get the right size (or sizes) for your project.

Ball Gages Made Simple

Now that you know more about gage meanings and ball gages, you can feel more confident in your industrial building projects. With the perfect, precise measurements, ball gages ensure your project goes smoothly.

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