What Is a Podcast and Can It Benefit Your Business?


Are you bored of writing blog posts? Are you embarrassed by your YouTube subscriber numbers still sitting in the single digits? Ditch the old marketing techniques and turn to the hottest marketing tool for 2022: podcasts!

But what is a podcast, and why is it beneficial for your business?

Here’s our guide to podcasts and podcast marketing. We’ll help you decide whether podcasts are right for your business. And we’ll also give you some top tips on how you can quickly get started.

What Is a Podcast?

A podcast is the modern-day equivalent of a radio show. The big difference between radio and podcast is that you pre-record the latter and then upload it to the internet.

You can add podcasts to your website or publish your podcasts as a channel via a third-party platform, such as Apple Podcasts.

Once on that app, your podcast is available for download to anyone using that app. The audience can search for programs on the platform or one of your podcast episodes. They can also subscribe to your podcast.

Most podcasts are around an hour in length, but that is really up to you as the host. You can have bite-size podcasts that last five to ten minutes or lengthy episodes of two hours.

You don’t need to be in any particular niche or have specific expertise to publish a podcast. You can tell bedtime stories to children, interview celebrities, or use it to share your thoughts. The content is up to you!

And if you don’t have the technical background to create a podcast, there are podcast companies that can handle the production for you.

Benefits of a Podcast

Some businesses have turned to podcasts. But why did they choose podcasts? Here are some of the compelling benefits:


People love the flexibility of content they can listen to when walking or traveling. You’ll get people tuning in whom might not have heard of your business via traditional means such as blog posts.


When someone listens to you talk, it helps build a natural connection with you. That will help your audience — and potential customers — trust you and your brand.


Suppose someone discovers your podcast and loves your content. That person will probably want to check out your website in that scenario. So podcasts are an excellent way to generate more high-quality traffic.

How to Do a Podcast

Finding success in podcast marketing isn’t guaranteed, but it’s a powerful business tool with the proper planning and execution. Here are the steps to launching a popular podcast:


Don’t try and cover every topic on your podcast. Think about what your audience wants to hear, and consider whether you can develop a niche topic that sets you apart from other podcasts.


You’ll need a professional microphone to record your podcasts. While you won’t need a professionally sound-proofed room, finding a quiet space to record your podcasts is essential.


Some people will naturally discover your podcast. Still, you shouldn’t skip marketing it to your audience. Promote it on your website and social media channels.

Start Your Podcast Today

So what is a podcast? Ultimately it’s another effective way to promote your business. And discovering new methods to market your business is always a wise idea in a competitive market.

To discover more promotional ideas to help grow your business, why not explore our marketing section?