How to Get Patient Referrals


Millions of Americans go to their doctors every year.

If your job includes working at a medical office and you have your patient base, you know you need more patients to keep your practice going.

Perhaps, though, you don’t have the capital or resources to get on social media and start building your referral program from scratch. Or maybe you’re just not sure how to go about it.

This article will guide you through some ways you can begin building a successful patient referrals program in your practice.

Start by Being an Excellent Doctor

If you want more patient referrals, they need to trust you as a physician first. That means they need to feel confident in your abilities and comfortable with you personally.

Ask for Referrals From Satisfied Patients

For how to get patient referrals, start by asking for them directly. Make sure all of your staff members know this and encourage them to ask about referral sources whenever they have the opportunity. If you want more patient referrals, click here for more info.

Contact People Who’ve Already Referred People to You

Many people who refer patients will also know other people who could benefit from seeing a particular doctor. Call them up and ask them if they would refer some of their friends and family members to your chiropractic business.

Make sure that you keep track of who has referred someone so that you can contact these people again if needed.

Send a Thank-You Note After Every Visit

A handwritten note thanking your patients for coming in is a very effective way of getting referrals. It shows that you care about them as individuals and not just as another number on your schedule book. If possible, make sure the thank-you note includes their name spelled correctly, so they know their visit was important enough for you to remember their name.

Build a Website to Showcase Your Business

The best way to let people know what you do is by having a website that showcases your practice. This should include images of your office, photos of your staff, and testimonials from previous patients. Once you’ve got a website up and running, it’s important to make sure that it’s optimized for search engines so that potential patients can find you online.

Be Compassionate With Your Patients

Your staff must treat each patient with compassion and respect. This will make them feel comfortable enough to come back again and again. Your compassion will also help build trust between yourself and your clientele, which is crucial when trying to build relationships with new potential customers.

Patient Referrals Are the Lifeblood of Your Business

Regardless of what you want to do with your practice, getting patient referrals is the best way to grow.

And if you put these strategies in place, you’ll find that referrals will be easy to come by. After all, recommending a good doctor to a friend is one of the biggest compliments you can pay someone.

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