Applied Behavior Analysis: 5 ABA Benefits You Need to Know


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 54 children has autism spectrum disorder. With more children being diagnosed with autism each year, new treatments come along all the time.

However, applied behavior analysis, or ABA, has been around for a while. It is a way to help those with autism learn to increase appropriate behaviors and limit inappropriate behaviors.

Several other ABA benefits are important to consider. Keep reading for everything you need to know.

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Applied behavior analysis therapy is a method used in multiple settings. The goal is to teach positive behaviors. It has benefits that are especially helpful for those with autism.

ABA is customized to the individual and can be applied at home, school, and other locations, helping those with autism cope with everyday life.

Goal behaviors are identified, then rewarded through positive reinforcement. The reward varies among children but could be a toy, an outing, or extra screen time.

Read more below about the benefits of ABA therapy.

Improves Social Skills

One of the most positive benefits of ABA for autism is that it promotes healthy social skills. The technique helps autistic children learn to interact with others appropriately.

This allows them to make connections to peers, teachers, parents, and siblings. That improves the overall quality of life and lets them enjoy traditional daily activities.

Boosts Functional Skills

Functional skills include using the bathroom, communicating with others, and playing appropriately. These skills also include getting dressed and holding utensils properly.

Motivating autistic children to perform these important skills through a reward system helps them on a daily basis, in a variety of settings.

It’s Backed by Science

ABA therapy is an evidence-based approach. That means it has undergone scientific testing that proves its effectiveness for autism.

Research shows a significant improvement in living skills, intelligence, language skills, and social skills for most individuals in an ABA program. A program geared toward kids, such as Dream Big Children, is ideal for most ages.

Decreases Behavior Problems

Autistic children sometimes have trouble regulating their emotions. This can result in breakdowns and other behavioral issues. The goal of ABA is to help them deal with emotions in a healthier way.

Positive reinforcement teaches children to make better choices when they are feeling strong emotions. A reward helps them remember to make that choice next time as well.

Builds Independence

Many autistic children grow into independent adults and ABA therapy is handy for helping it happen. The technique promotes problem-solving, following instructions, and doing things without being asked.

Again, being positively rewarded for taking care of themselves, promotes autistic children. It helps them learn to continue doing so as they grow and become more independent.

Get Started Taking Advantage of ABA Benefits

If you think that the ABA benefits listed here could help your child, talk to their doctor about trying a program that utilizes the techniques.

Most children experience results after a couple of years of ABA therapy. The sooner you start, the sooner you can start seeing positive results.

Before you go, read out other articles about living and loving your best life.