How to Create a Retail Shop Design That Inspires Customers to Buy


Your retail shop design has a direct impact on customer spending. According to research, about 64% of shoppers will leave a physically unappealing store. A staggering 70% of shoppers who have had a bad experience with retail stores attribute it to things like empty and broken shelves or too much clutter.

Creating an attractive retail shop should be at the forefront of every business owner’s mind. No matter if you’re in the fashion, food, or electronics industry. Shoppers love to visit visually appealing and functional stores.

The question is, how do you come up with the best shop design that will attract customers and drive sales through the roof? Designing an attractive store starts with smart choices about how to use space and who your target is, including their demographics.

Here are some shop design ideas for creating the perfect retail store design that’ll inspire customers to buy.

Plan Your Layout

Start by mapping out all the areas you want to include in your shop. From here, try out different placements for them until you come up with an aesthetically pleasing shop interior design that maximizes traffic flow through each area.

Break down every single product category into sub-categories to place around your plan. That’ll make it easier to manage when items run out of stock. It’ll also ensure customers can find things quickly without having to ask the staff where everything is located.

Find the Right Shop Decor

This step is very easy because you can go through magazines and websites. You can also use apps like Pinterest to find decorative elements that you like and download several different samples. Once you’re done, pick out your three favorite designs and best colors.

Once you have the best color combination, hire a commercial painting company that will nail the job. You can also use this opportunity to decide what type of lighting works best for your shop. Lighting has a huge impact on the atmosphere customers feel when they walk through your door.

Create an entryway that makes a first impression. Use decorations on windows or doors to attract customers and set expectations. Additionally, put out baskets of freebies so shoppers feel welcome as soon as they walk through the door.

Rotate products often, so there’s always something new and exciting. Integrate promotional displays into your shop design as well. Even better, showcase bestsellers with eye-catching displays.

Create Control Zones

Control zones divide the store into functional areas where customers are guided to different product categories. Think about how you would move through your ideal shop if you were shopping for shoes, clothing, or toys for kids. You would want designated control zones in each area that correspond to your needs within that category.

Shoe displays near the entrance of the room and clothing racks near changing rooms. That way, when customers enter, they know exactly where to find what they are looking for. They won’t get distracted by other product groups, which can be confusing or less relevant for them at that moment.

Some shops have an area designated for browsing other product categories unrelated to their initial purchase. This is perfect because it eliminates the need for customers to double back on themselves after shopping in one category. It saves them time and effort.

Minimize Visual Clutter

Reduce visual noise by removing everything from the shop floor except the necessary display fixtures, furniture, and decorations. The more cluttered a store looks, the more overwhelming it feels, which can be off-putting for some customers. That said, you don’t want a space either, as that can feel dull or even disorientating.

For the perfect shop design, play around with different levels of clutter until you find a good balance where most customers feel comfortable. One of the most popular retail store designs involves including a focal piece that draws customers’ attention. With a focal point, you can spread related products around it in a circular formation.

Create a Shop Design That Makes Upselling Possible

Selling accessories or complementary products with the main purchase has proven to increase conversions by as much as 30%. This strategy is called upselling, and there are several ways to apply this tactic.

The first tactic involves showcasing products like makeup, shampoo, and deodorant near a cashier meant for haircare purchases. This encourages customers to buy more from an existing product line. This saves them time from going elsewhere for those items.

The second involves displaying accessories together strategically. Display shoes, handbags, and other accessories on a stand near the main entrance, so customers see them as soon as they walk in. The more impulse purchases they make on their way to checkout, the better.

Next, utilize add-on sales. This tactic involves offering add-on services like gift-wrapping or engraving for special occasions. Beyond that, go the extra mile and offer specials.

Place Product Displays and Mannequins Strategically

The main goal of a retail shop is to sell merchandise. The best way to do this is by creating eye-catching product displays or utilizing mannequins to show off your items. These should be placed at the end of every aisle so that products are always within sight as customers walk through your store.

Test It Out

After everything is done, give your new retail store design a trial run. Invite other store managers or potential customers to look around so you can see what’s working well and what needs improving. That way, you’ll have an opportunity to improve your shop design before you finally open up.

The Ultimate Shop Design Guide: What You Need to Know

Whether you’re looking for the best coffee shop design ideas or clothing store decor ideas, you’ll benefit from these shop design tips. From attracting attention with street banners to evoking positive emotions with effective decor, turning potential customers into repeat visitors has never been easier than it is today.

All it takes are some creative renovations and strategic placements, and you’ll have yourself the perfect shop design. That said, please check out our blog for more interesting articles.