6 General Gun Range Safety Rules You Should Know


Did you know at least four-in-ten Americans own a gun?

Gun ownership increased even further during the pandemic. However, owning a gun is only half of the equation for self-defense and household protection.

You also need to practice using your gun. This requires visiting a gun range and getting more familiar with your firearms.

Before you visit the range, you need to understand some of the rules. Proper gun range safety exists to keep you and other visitors safe. Learn more about safety at the range with these six tips below:

1. Handling Your Firearm

Gun range safety starts with your firearms. Learn how to handle your gun at the range and always follow the range’s protocols. While the rules can change from one gun range to another, many of the general rules will remain the same.

Always keep your gun holstered or cased. The only time it’s okay to unholster the gun is when you’re at the red firing line. Make sure the line operator declared a hot range and that you have clearance to manage your firearm.

Point your gun down the firing range. Never turn around while holding your gun. If you need assistance, keep the gun pointed down and raise your non-firing hand to call for aid.

While firing, focus only on the designated targets.

Never fire at the ground. If the gun range is indoors, avoid firing at the ceiling. These steps prevent bullets from bouncing and accidentally hitting someone else or damaging property.

2. Cold and Hot Range

During a cold range, everyone has to step away from the firing line. Put down your guns on the bench. Keep them unloaded with the action open.

A cold range allows the operators to change firing targets, retrieve items on the firing line, or address emergency issues. No one should approach the firing line or load a gun during this period.

Hot ranges are the exact opposite. During this period, you can walk up to the firing line, load your gun, and commence shooting at designated targets. Many indoor ranges are always hot because they utilize automatic systems to change targets.

Respect the rules during hot and cold range conditions. Loading your gun during a cold range could get you kicked out or worse. Breaking those rules endangers the lives of everyone at the range, after all.

3. Manage Your Trigger Finger

One common safety rule that a lot of people underestimate involves keeping your finger off the trigger. Remember that every gun has a groove for you to rest your trigger finger. Keep your trigger finger there until you will fire the gun at a target.

Why is this important for gun range safety? By keeping your finger off the trigger, you can avoid accidentally squeezing. This reduces the instances of misfires at the gun range.

Always keep your finger off the trigger during any instances of mentoring. There may be instances an administrator or instructor will approach to teach you how to handle your gun. If you have your gun in hand, keep it pointed down the range and your finger off the trigger.

Following this rule proves you understand the value of gun responsibility and proper firearm handling.

This rule applies even to people qualified to fire from a holster. Keep your trigger finger on the groove and only place it within the trigger ring once firing commences.

4. Gun Range Safety Equipment

Never enter the gun range without the proper gun range safety gear, like the ones available at http://www.preparetoact.com/range-gear. This isn’t only for your safety but the safety of others too. Bullet cases fly violently in every direction and there are always loud firing sounds, after all.

Start by securing a first aid kit.

This should be in your pack at all times. Pack a trauma kit, a splint kit, and items to control bleeding. Bandages and medications to reduce pain or shock should also be in your first aid kit.

Never forget to bring eye and ear protection gear too. You’ll want the best earplugs and anti-fog glasses. Some people go one step above and wear face shields too.

It’s also a good idea to bring a gun cleaning kit. Keeping your gun in mint condition at all times helps prevent jams and misfires.

5. Respect Gun Range Safety Rules

Every gun range has different sets of rules. Make it a habit to go over these rules and follow them to the dot.

For example, one gun range might not allow people to bring more than one firearm. Others might allow you to bring more than one but you can only use one at the firing line. You’ll have to swap your gun when an administrator or announcer states you can.

Always pay attention to the announcer.

If they call for a ceasefire, stop firing and unload your gun. Keep it unloaded and remove the magazine. Step away from the firing line and wait for further instructions.

6. Know Your Firearms

It’s always a good practice to get familiar with your guns. Know how to operate your firearms, from loading them and how to work their safety mechanics. The more you know your firearms, the less likely you’ll commit a mistake that could lead to injuries.

Are you using a new gun for the first time? If you’re not that familiar with your gun, tell someone. Let an instructor help you learn how to handle your gun.

Get Familiar With These Range Safety Rules

Now you know some of the most crucial gun range safety rules. Make it a point to go over these rules and follow them at all times. Keeping your gun pointed down the range, understanding different range conditions, and knowing your firearms ensures you have a good time without risking anyone’s safety.

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