Everything To Know About Breast Implant Removal


Breast implants that are implanted during breast augmentation may need to be removed due to the following reason such as complications with the implants, capsular contracture which is hardened scar tissue developing as a result of the implants, or because you’re no longer comfortable with the implants.

Whatever your reason may be, understand that breast implant removal involves removing or replacing the implant and as such has a great attendant risk.

In this post, you will get to understand everything you need to know about breast implant removal. Also, find a Gynecomastia Surgeon here if you want the best procedure.

What Is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure that involves removing breasts implants. During the procedure, hardened scar tissue that developed due to silicone leaks from the implant must be removed.

Breast implants may also be removed and replaced with new ones. Most of the occasions where people require implants removal are when there are complications with the implants thereby wanting to remove the implants completely without putting a new one.

Why Is Breast Implant Removal Done?

Breast implants have a lifetime of 10 to 15 years and as such don’t last a lifetime. Notwithstanding the above, your cosmetic surgeon may not advise you to have your implants removed if there are no complications.

In some cases, many people opt for breast implant removal because there is a drastic change in the shape of their breast after the breast augmentation which may be caused by age, breastfeeding, pregnancy, and sudden weight loss or weight gain.

Other Reasons why someone may consider a breast implant removal are;

  • Scar tissue becomes hardened around the implants which will be painful and uncomfortable and may also change the appearance of the breast. This is otherwise known as capsular contracture.
  • Breast implants leaking requires prompt removal as the leaking silicone may be dangerous to health.
  • Calcium deposits buildup around the implants may require that a breast implant be removed.
  • Movement or shift of one of the implants may require the same to be removed as it may lead to changes in the appearance of the breast.
  • Autoimmune response to implant necrosis which may lead to tissue death around the implant.

What The Procedure Involves

Generally, breast implant removal surgery is performed at a surgery center, hospital, or another operating room facility.

Before you could undergo the surgery procedure, you must have a consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss the reason why you want the implants removed and your intended plans for the same.

Your surgeon will ask you about your medical conditions, previous surgeries and if you’re on any medications presently.

Also, during your consultation, your surgeon will have to examine your breasts and take photographs of the same. Provide you with recommendations based on your goals and the result you wanted. Evaluate your health and discuss possible complications or risks that may occur.

The Surgical Procedure

Below are what to expect during the surgical procedure;


Roughly every breast implant removal surgery is performed under general anesthesia, this means you will be out to sleep and wouldn’t be aware of anything being done during the process. Also, you will be given medications for pain and nausea during and after the surgery.

Skin Preparation

After anesthesia has been given to you, a nurse or any other assistant will apply antibacterial soap or cleansers over your breasts to prevent infection and also to prepare the surgical area.

 Making The Incision

The surgeon will make an incision that allows them to access the breast implant. The areas of the incision will depend on where or how your implants were initially placed while also considering the presence of scar tissue. The incision is always made under the breast or around the area of the nipple.

 Removing The Implant

Here the surgeon will remove the implants and other scar tissue which has developed. Removing this scar tissue or tissue capsule is more time-consuming, hence why many surgeons may not want to remove the same.

Closing The Incision

After the implants have been removed and another has been put in place as the case may be, the incision must be closed. This is carried out by making use of sutures of special glue-like adhesives. Thereafter, dressings or bandages must be placed around your chest to protect the incisions and drains may be put in place when necessary to allow blood or fluid to drain away from the breast.

After the procedure, you will be woken up and taken to a recovery room where a nurse will have to closely monitor your vitals, pain levels, and dressing sites for potential complications. When you leave will be decided by your surgeon after being satisfied with your recovery speed.