A Tradition of Celebrating Non-Traditional Students: Alpha Sigma Lambda


If you’ve ever been an adult learner enrolled in a degree program at a college or university, then you know how challenging it can be.

Pursuing a degree is difficult no matter what your age or background, but people who attend school while tending to family or career responsibilities face even greater complexities along the way.

As a result, these non-traditional students deserve to have their achievements celebrated.

Although these adult learners are surely commended by their friends and family, they should be recognized by others as well.

Enter Alpha Sigma Lambda. This group, founded in 1946 at Northwestern University, is an honor society for non-traditional college students. It exists to support, salute, and acknowledge these hardworking folks and the great efforts they make to achieve in academics at the collegiate level.

To learn more about Alpha Sigma Lambda, read on.

How Alpha Sigma Lambda Began

Dr. Rollin Posey was the Dean at Northwestern University in 1946. He gathered a group of students to work together to start the Alpha Sigma Lambda honor society to recognize the achievements of adult students. Together, they created a constitution and bylaws that are still on the books today. Thanks to their efforts, today this group exists to bring non-traditional students together in a formal and honorary way.

Benefits of Joining Alpha Sigma Lambda

If you are a non-traditional student who would like to be a part of Alpha Sigma Lambda, you should join. You’ll enjoy the many benefits offered by joining an honor society.

You will be recognized for your academic achievements and you’ll have access to a number of annual scholarship opportunities that are offered by the organization. You’ll be able to list your membership in the group on your resume and on your graduate school applications.

Most importantly, though, you’ll be a part of a community that is full of other non-traditional students just like you. When you join an honor society for non-traditional students, you’ll be reminded again and again that you are not alone on your quest to get your degree as an adult. You’ll have other students to connect and commiserate with who know about the struggles and challenges you face. You’ll get support from others and you’ll be able to help others, too.

How Non-Traditional Students Can Qualify

To qualify for Alpha Sigma Lambda, you must be a student in pursuit of your first bachelor’s degree. You must be over the age of twenty-five.

Before you apply you will need to have completed at least thirty-six credits toward your degree, and at least eighteen of those credits must be in liberal arts or sciences. You must have a GPA of at least 3.4, and you will have to be in the top twenty percent of students in your class. You do not have to be a full-time student to qualify.

Qualified students will receive invitations from Alpha Sigma Lambda. Those who are accepted into the honor society will be lifetime members and they will be able to wear an honor cord at graduation.

Join Alpha Sigma Lambda

If you are a non-traditional student who qualifies for membership in this honor society, you should join it. As you can see, there are a number of benefits to being a part of something like this. Also, it feels great to be a part of something bigger than yourself, especially when it allows you to connect with people with similar achievements and goals. To find out more about Alpha Sigma Lambda, visit the organization’s website.

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