Heavy Metal: The Importance of Regular Equipment Inspections


Every year in the United States accidents with heavy equipment and on job sites cause thousands of injuries and over 800 deaths.

One way to lessen the number of accidents is to conduct regular inspections of working equipment. Thorough equipment inspections should be done on a regular basis anywhere heavy equipment is operating. There is no excuse, and inspections do more than safety.

Here are the reasons why it is important to get regular inspections of equipment.

Catch Problems Earlier

Heavy equipment maintenance involves a lot of inspecting. Having a professional inspector go over your equipment is good because it can catch problems before they become life-threatening. The other benefit of catching problems early is they are often smaller and cheaper to repair.

If an inspection can show a damaged pin or bolt, replacing that pin would be a lot easier than replacing the hydraulic arm that could be destroyed when it shears. It would also be less expensive and no one would get hurt. Machinery inspections save time, lives, and money.

Worksite Safety

Worksites are already a dangerous place to be, when equipment isn’t maintained the danger only increases. Having good worksite safety helps everyone to feel better. This will in turn lead to more productivity and higher morale amongst your operators and employees.

Better worksite safety which is achieved through superior equipment upkeep shows that a company cares. When operators know that their company cares about them and their equipment they achieve more. Not only will it be a more productive environment, but it will also be friendlier too.

Stop Losing Time

Lost time accidents are a disaster and cost companies millions of dollars annually. Equipment breakdown is a leading cause of lost time accidents. Either your people will be injured and recovering or your equipment will be inoperable and down while it waits for repairs.

You can stop losing time and money on jobs by having regular inspections done. On the equipment you rely upon most, you should have a licensed professional inspect your equipment. An outside presence will see things that people who work around the worksite won’t.

You could consider getting a crane inspection, as a single failure of the crane could cost millions by itself, depending on the location and size of the crane. Avoid heavy losses by having your equipment inspections done by people who can find the problems before they become disasters.

Compliance with Regulations

There are an amazing amount of regulations that come with the use of heavy equipment. Compliance with regulations can lead to easier inspections by OSHA or MSHA and will reduce the chances of getting fined.

Equipment Inspections

Equipment inspections done on a regular basis by a professional can help any business that uses heavy equipment. Reducing accidents, saving time and money, and stopping people from being hurt or killed are the benefits of regular inspections.

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