How to Start Sewing? A Helpful Guide for Beginners


There are tons of reasons to adopt a new hobby, from adding more structure to your day to increasing your sense of satisfaction with life. If you’re looking for a new hobby, why not start sewing?

If you’ve never sewed before, don’t worry. There is always time to learn and you can try sewing projects of all sizes to suit your skills.

So, how can you get started with your new sewing hobby?

Keep reading for our guide on how to start sewing from scratch. We’ll talk about what you need, where to begin, and more.

Put Together a Sewing Starter Kit

If you’re going to start sewing, it’s important to have a few key sewing supplies. A very basic sewing kit will include a few spools of thread in different colors, a pack of sewing needles in different sizes, a thimble, a measuring tape, and sewing scissors. A more complicated sewing kit may include everything from a bodkin to thread lubricant.

Buy or Borrow a Sewing Machine

If you’re hoping to master some larger projects, it’s best to get used to a sewing machine from the early stages. Hand sewing is great for adding accessories like buttons to your project, but a sewing machine will produce cleaner, more polished-looking projects. If you’re not ready to commit to buying a sewing machine, ask to borrow one from a friend or relative.

Get to Know Your Sewing Machine

All sewing machines are a little bit different and you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the user manual and special features of your own sewing machine. However, there are two steps that all sewing machines require: threading the bobbin and threading the needle. Master these skills and practice sewing clean and curved lines on pieces of scrap fabric.

Buy Fabrics That Inspire You

Starting a new hobby can come with a few setbacks or frustrations, especially if some of your projects don’t turn out how you expected. While you don’t need to splurge on top-of-the-line fabrics, we do recommend buying fabrics that catch your eye. If you’re inspired by your materials, you’re much more likely to keep practicing!

(Looking for a good beginner fabric? Skip the slick fabrics and choose something that’s easier to handle, like cotton canvas, cotton lawn, or even denim.)

Start With Simple Sewing Patterns for Beginners

What are some good beginner projects to choose from? Try making throw pillows stuffed with cotton batting or cute satchel bags. As you get used to your sewing machine and learn to work with different fabrics, you can start making t-shirts, skirts, and more.

Start Sewing Today

Having a hobby is a great way to add some fun, creativity, and structure to your day. Why not start sewing and see if that’s the right hobby for you? Use our guide to get started today.

Looking for more lifestyle tips or fashion inspiration for your next sewing project? Take a look around for the content you need to get creative.