What To Look For When Hiring a Criminal Lawyer


A defense attorney is not always looked at in the best light but a criminal defense lawyer is vital to balance the scales of justice. It is their job to enforce any and every person’s right to a fair trial.

If you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime, it’s likely to be the most stressful and fearful moment of your life. A time like this calls for an advocate who will be on your side.

The legal system is very complicated and watching crime shows on television won’t help you navigate your way through a trial. You need experienced legal counsel.

Before you hire an attorney, you need to understand your specific needs and what questions to ask your lawyer so you can get the best resolution possible. Keep reading to learn what to look for when hiring a criminal defense lawyer.

Articulates a Clear Plan of Action

The attorney you hire should be able to tell you the best way to proceed with your case. Once they review the evidence the state or government has against you, they should tell you if there needs to be an additional investigation.

Is there any missing evidence that might be crucial to the case? What do they think your chances are of being acquitted?

What Experience Do They Have With Your Crime?

Find an attorney who has represented defendants who were charged with the same or very similar offenses. Because of the complexity of the law, many lawyers specialize in certain kinds of offenses. If you’ve been charged with DUI, for example, look for a law firm that specializes in DUI cases.

Do You Connect Personally?

The attorney you hire speaks for you. It’s important that you connect on a personal level. You have to feel comfortable with this person in order to work together in making the best decisions for your case. It’s important to feel like you have a partnership in dealing with your case.

Ask yourself, “Do this lawyer and staff appear to genuinely care about me as a person? Do they think of me as more than just a case?”

Have you been arrested and charged with an alleged crime? If so, and you’re being investigated and prosecuted, you need to protect your rights. You can do that by hiring the best attorney. You’ll discover here why defendants choose the law firm that fights for their rights.

Are You Prepared to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Now that you know what to look for in a criminal defense lawyer, you should feel pretty confident in choosing the best one to handle your case. You want the right criminal lawyer to keep you from suffering tough penalties, including a prison sentence.

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