5 Key Tips for Planning an Intervention

Close-up of a devastated young man holding his head in his hands and friends supporting him during group therapy

It’s never easy watching a loved one struggle with substance abuse.

Unfortunately, this is a reality of life for millions of people across the country. That’s because drug and alcohol addiction is a disease that ruins lives and rips families apart.

When you know someone suffering from addiction, there comes a time when you realize it’s time to step in and encourage them to seek the help they need to get clean. This isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s the only way to save them from themselves.

Keep reading to discover important insights into tips for planning an intervention that can make the difference between life and death.

1. Choose an Intervention Team

Let’s start by talking about the importance of choosing the members of your team wisely. Keep in mind that it’s never a wise idea to attempt an intervention on your own.

The addict in your life needs to see that more than one person has noticed the problem and that you are unified in your effort to get them the help they need.

But you shouldn’t include just anyone. Each person involved should be someone the addict respects and has had a long relationship with. And you should never include another addict because this could send mixed signals and defeat your cause.

2. Pick a Time and Place

Next, you’ll need to pick the most appropriate time and place for the intervention. This should be a location where the addict will feel comfortable, but it’s important to avoid hosting the intervention in someone’s home.

Here’s a great resource where an addict can seek help.

3. Create a Script

Never attempt to wing your intervention. In fact, it should be carefully scripted so that you can choose your words carefully to make sure you are sending the right message to the addict.

Take the time to rehearse the script as a group, and to carefully orchestrate the order in which you will speak.

4. Practice Friendly Body Language

Body language is another crucial aspect of a successful intervention.

Everyone involved should practice friendly, open body language that communicates to the addict that you are there to offer support and want only the best for them.

5. Control Your Tempers

In many situations, the addict will become defensive, making it difficult to keep your emotions in check. It’s incredibly important to be prepared for this so that you can keep your tempers under control at all times.

The key is to be prepared for the addict to say hateful and abusive words so that you can remain calm and feed into their negative energy.

Important Tips for Planning an Intervention

It’s no secret that thousands of people die each year because of drug and alcohol addiction. Fortunately, this guide to planning an intervention will help give you the courage to offer help to a loved one when they need it most.

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