4 Beauty Hacks for Applying Eye Makeup


Applying eye and brow makeup has the power to transform your whole face, regardless of whether you wear any other makeup or not. Whether it’s a minimalistic look or a bold, heavy look, eye makeup frames your face and creates an impact. This is why applying eye makeup in the correct way can make all the difference to your makeup routine and your personal style.

Eye makeup can be notoriously difficult to get right. After all, you have to do it twice, and you have to make sure everything evenly matches.

To make it simpler, here are four hacks for applying eye makeup.

Plan Ahead of Time What You’re Going For

This will make sure you can apply eye makeup that is as simple or as bold as you’d like, as well as making sure you have the right complementary colors. If you don’t plan, you can waste a lot of time, effort, and makeup products if you decide halfway through that it hasn’t turned out the way you’d expect, and you have to remove.

Get to Know Your Own Eye Shape

It can be exciting to want to try out a new eye makeup look or a certain way to wing your liner. Nevertheless, your eye shape needs to be taken into account to make sure you can create a shape that works best with what you have. This will enable you to frame your eyes in the right way, with the right products, instead of trying to replicate a look that someone else has had.

Take Care of the Skin Around Your Eyes

Applying eye makeup is going to be much easier when you have a smooth foundation of skin to work with. Not only that, but things like fine lines and wrinkles can make your makeup look creased or compromise the look you’re going for. It’s important to treat and care for the skin around your eyes as part of your skincare routine to make sure eye makeup can always look the best it can. Devices from mynuface.com can help with smoothing lines and wrinkles.

Use Black to Slim and White to Widen

A whole smokey eye can be a fantastic look, but you need to commit to the full darkened look for maximum impact. When using only a black liner instead of the full look, this can work to make your eyes look a lot smaller. It’s a good idea to use eyeliner only on the edges of your lids if you’re going for a simpler look, as this will frame your eyes well. A full lid of black eyeliner without eyeshadow can make your eyes look smaller.

White eyeliner can then help to make your eyes look wider, too, if used on the waterline. Of course, this all depends on the look you’re going for. If you’re a fan of a deeper, closed-in look, then a full lid of black eyeliner, as well as a full black waterline, will accomplish that.