How to make the best use of Whey Protein Powder


The whey protein is made from the protein in the whey. It’s obtained from the watery part of milk that gets separated from the curd while making cheese. It’s a good alternative for lactose-intolerant people who need some supplements.

Whey protein powder is used for asthma, high cholesterol, protein allergy, weight loss, and obesity. It comes with multiple benefits if you know how to consume it correctly in the right quantity. If you are looking for benefits and ways to use it, keep reading.

How Does Whey Protein Work?

Whey protein acts as a supplement that gets easily digested and provides your body with essential amino acids. These acids are needed when you are training for muscle recovery. Whey protein is a protein in milk that is 80% casein and 20% whey.

Whey protein gets utilised and digested quicker than casein, staying in the gut for much longer. It improves the source of protein that can increase the nutrient content in your diet.

Excellent Benefits of Using Whey Protein Powder

Whey comes from milk, and it can help you reach the dietary requirement. Below is a list of the health benefits whey protein can provide you.

  • a fantastic source of high nutrition protein
  • promotes your muscle growth
  • it can help you lower blood pressure
  • helps in treating type 2 diabetes
  • reduces inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease
  • enhances your body’s antioxidant defence
  • it can have beneficial results on blood fats
  • as whey protein is highly filling, it reduces hunger
  • it can help in weight loss

Different Kinds of Whey Protein

There are three kinds of whey protein available, with their benefits and use. These are:

  • concentrate (WPC)
  • isolate (WPI)
  • hydrolysate (WPH)

Concentrate whey protein contains some fat and sugar from milk and is the most common type of protein powder. Isolate protein has the sugar and fat removed, which means more protein per 100g of your product.

Hydrolysate is processed to break down protein bonds into amino acids, easy to absorb and digest. Intaking any of these needs a consultation from a professional to know which is best suited for your body.

How much Whey Protein Powder to be Used?

Protein consumption can differ based on individual needs, gender, age, body weight, and specific body training result expectancy. Here is a standard dosage that you can refer to for an estimated idea:

  • for improving performance in athletics: 1.2 to 1.5 grams/kg of whey combined with strength training of 6 to 10 weeks
  • for AIDS/HIV related weight loss: around 8.4 grams of whey protein per day, 2.4 grams/kg per day if you have a high-calorie formula

Side Effects of Using Whey Protein

There are conditions where you might encounter a few side effects due to excessive consumption. These side effects include nausea, pain, bloating, cramps, flatulence, and diarrhoea. For a lactose intolerant person, hydrolysate or isolate is more suitable as you may have some reactions.

Final Word

Whey Protein powder makes an excellent supplement if you take it in a regulated quantity along with doing your workout. It has shown remarkable results and helped people gain muscle and reduce weight. You will find a positive effect on your immune system.

Whey protein is a convenient way of boosting your protein intake and is a powerful source of many health benefits.