Shetland Sheepdog Health Problems with Treatments


Dogs are one of the most loyal pets someone can have. Before buying a Shetland sheepdog, it is essential to know about the health problems and their solutions that are very common in Shetland sheepdog. Shetland sheepdogs are weak genetically and can easily go through many types of disease including Patellar Luxation, Collie Eye, Dermatomyositis, and Hip Dysplasia. Nowadays it is very significant to screen the breeding pair to analyze their health conditions. To give your dog a healthy life, let’s understand the common health issues and their solutions.

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Shetland Sheepdog Health Problems with its solutions


Like other dog breeds, No specific amount is set for Shetland sheepdog foods. This is why they are often obese. The quantity of their food depends upon their size, metabolism, height, and other factors. The easiest way to set the proper quantity is to increase the food quantity on a weekly basis with proper weight track.


The only treatment of obesity is to keep a track of your dog’s weight and adjust his diet accordingly. If you want your dog healthy, then make the right choice for him. In start maybe setting the quantity feels tough, but it will get better with time.

Kneecap Dislocation:

Shetland sheepdogs are small in size, and disease like the kneecap dislocation is very common in it. It is widespread in female Shetland sheepdog. The dislocation does not last for long. The dog’s knee gets in place, after 10 minutes. In severe conditions, this can make the dog limb or even make him unable to move. The age at which Shetland sheepdogs normally suffer from kneecap distraction is four to eight years.


There are two possible treatments of Kneecap dislocation. One is messaging the area, but it will only work if it’s not severe. In the case of severity and frequent dislocation, it is essential to go for the surgery.

Hip Dysplasia:

Hip Dysplasia is similar to the above joint disease. Although it is common in large breeds due to its genetic history, there is a high chance of Shetland sheepdog suffering from hip dysplasia.

The main reason for hip dysplasia is sliding of ball and Socket hip. The dog can suffer from this disease at any stage of life. Hip dysplasia, when left untreated, can turn into severe medical issues. The dogs mostly get affected at the age of four to eight years.


There are two ways of treating hip dysplasia in Shetland sheepdog. The easy way is by keeping track of dog’s weight, health, and exercise. The second method is surgical. Surgery is only preferred  when the condition is not good.

Final words Shetland Sheepdog Health Problems:

If you have a Shetland sheepdog or planning to buy one, then visit P4pet. The Shetland sheepdog puppies for sale are available there. Taking care of their health is very essential because Shetland is genetically weak and prone to many diseases. See the above common diseases and their solutions and keep your dog safe.