Joy Dish Soap vs Dawn: Which Should You Choose?

Close up hands of woman washing dishes in kitchen

There are a plethora of dish soap brands to choose from. Even within each brand, you can find 10-30 varieties of dish soap.

In this guide, we’ll be comparing two of the most popular dish soap brands, Joy dish soap, and Dawn dish soap. There are many things to consider in dish soap, such as the price, grease removing power, the scent, ingredient safety, and overall cleaning power.

We’ve done the research so you don’t have to. If you want to know if you should grab the bottle of Joy soap or Dawn soap at your next supermarket visit, keep reading.

Dawn Dish Soap

As mentioned, when picking the superior soap we’ve evaluated for the following factors:

  • Price
  • Grease and grime removal
  • Scent
  • Ingredient safety

Dawn was originally created to clean up oil spills off of wildlife. For that reason, Dawn dish soap very powerfully removed grease and grime from dishes. Stubborn meat, egg, cheese, and burnt ingredients easily came off of dishes washed with Dawn.

Dawn dish soap does have a variety of scents, that are highly reviewed. There is everything from rose to apple scent. In terms of ingredient safety, there are many surfactants in the dish soap.

These can be dangerous and drying if absorbed through the skin. Just make sure to always wear dishwashing gloves whenever washing your dishes. A 20 fluid ounce bottle of Dawn will be about $3 on average depending on the variety you choose.

Joy Dish Soap

The scent of Joy dish soap is enough alone for people to purchase. Joy is a heritage brand and has only one scent. Joy’s classic lemon scent is uplifting while completing such a mundane task as washing dishes.

Joy soap is really effective at removing stains. Many users of Joy dish soap remark that they get plenty of soap suds out with just a squirt. A 30 fluid ounce bottle of Joy sells for $2.57, making it significantly cheaper than Dawn.

Doubled with the fact, you have to use less to get suds, Joy is the more economical buy.

Since Joy dish soap came out in 1949, more than 20 years before Dawn, it has built a very loyal following. It is harder to source, but customers of Joy return to this soap time and time again after trying other brands.

That makes a statement about Joy dish soap. Most users of Joy also say it makes their hands soft. It still has strong surfactants, like Sodium Laureth Sulfate, and colorants which can be dangerous and drying if absorbed through the skin, so make sure to wear dishwashing gloves when washing with Joy too.

Joy Dish Soap Versus Dawn Dish Soap

Joy dish soap and Dawn both are ranked well in cleaning power effectivity. When it came down to other evaluative measures: scent, ingredients, and grime removing power, Joy, and Dawn ranked similarly as well.

Joy is more competitively priced, so if you’re on a budget, it might be better than Dawn.

Dish soap is a personal choice. And if you haven’t found one you’re in love with yet, give one of these brands a try! For more product recommendations, continue reading on our site.