Moving Houses? How to Create a Moving Day Checklist


In recent years, a common trend has shown that around 40 million people in the United States are moving each year.

Moving homes can be an exciting change in life, but with as much excitement as you get, you also feel the stress.

If you want to be calm and prepared for your move, you should make a list and get your priorities straight.

Continue reading if you want to learn about the key steps in making a checklist if you are planning on moving houses!

Set Priorities

One of the first things to do when moving houses is to set your priorities.

Depending on what stage of the moving process you are at, you need to set goals and keep adding more. For example, in the early stages, cleaning and packing are a priority for showing the home and taking pictures.

As you get closer to the move, prioritize scheduling the movers, closing on the house, and getting items out of the house.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

When it comes to planning a house move, there never seems to be enough time.

Between putting your house on the market, planning, and finding a new home, you need to give yourself time. Although the process can move quickly once you get started, you need to be prepared so that you don’t get stuck paying another month’s rent bill.

By contacting Dean Miller Real Estate, you can get help throughout the entire process and never feel lost.

Plan for Last-Minute Packing

It doesn’t happen often when people are ahead of the game and has everything packed, days in advance.

On the last day or two at the house, you should set aside time for last-minute packing. Most people encounter piles of items missed under stairwells, in the garage, and in basements. Unfortunately, these unexpected items can slow down the day when all you have time to do is load the truck.

Try to get help from friends and family, they can help you work through the moving day checklist and grab last-minute items.

Use Labels & Organization Tactics

If you want to make moving day a smooth transition, you should implement organization tactics.

Clearly labeling boxes and items with what is inside and the room it belongs in can help dramatically. This makes it easier for people that are unpacking the moving truck, especially if you hired a moving company. Instead of asking the owners where each box goes, they can look at the label.

It is also a great idea to pack your most important items at the front so that they can be some of the first items to get unpacked at the new home.

Don’t Make Moving Houses So Stressful

Moving houses is one of the most stressful events in life, which is why you need to do your best to prepare.

Prioritizing your projects and goals can help you get ready for the new house and you will have guidance. A real estate agent can also assist you during the move and relieve a lot of pressure. Don’t forget to plan for the unexpected and give yourself time to pack at the last minute.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about moving homes and improving your lifestyle!