5 Tips for Growing on Instagram Fast


Are you trying to expand your business reach?

Over two billion people actively use Instagram worldwide. This makes the platform an excellent place to market your brand.

But, you do not magically get seen by all of its users the minute you make a page. Growing on Instagram takes effort and strategy.

Read on for five tips on how to quickly build your Instagram.

1. Post Meaningful Content

Post to your page regularly. This will help keep you in your followers’ news feeds.

Make sure your posts always serve a purpose. Whether you educate, help, or inspire other users, it will draw people to your page and entice them to share your content.

Use only high-quality photographs. Even if you snap them from a phone, take a few minutes to find the right lighting and catch a good angle.

Create a witty caption. The first line should draw them in with something short and sweet. Then, below you can go into a bigger conversation.

Create a brand personality and voice through the content you post. This means that you should stay consistent with messages, values, and the type of content you put out there.

2. Tell Stories

Use your story feature! It puts your little brand bubble at the top of the feed of those who follow you.

Use it to post unique content that will make people want to keep watching for more. You might promote a new post or post something awesome happening at one of your brand promotions.

Tell stories that relate to your brand and give an idea of what it stands for. Get creative!

3. #Hashtag

Hashtags make for one of the easiest Instagram growth hacks available to you. At the end of your post and on each story, use hashtags.

They add your post into a group of similar content, so somebody looking for something specific can easily search. This makes you visible to more than just your followers, which will increase your following when used properly.

Research which hashtags your target market may follow. Do not get too creative with these or you may miss the mark.

4. Promote Offline

We live in an age of smart devices. People can literally do anything from their phones, including following your brand’s Instagram.

Include your QR code in advertisements so that people can easily scan and follow your page. You can also include it in your business cards so you can pass it out at festivals and events.

5. Hire an Instagram Marketing Agency

Effectively promoting your brand takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Aside from the posting, it requires analyzing the metrics.

You can conduct a competitive analysis on Instagram yourself. But you may need to focus on so many other aspects of the business as well. Therefore, you can also outsource your work to an Instagram influencer agency so it gets the appropriate attention for optimal growth.

Growing On Instagram Increases Profits

Growing on Instagram increases your visibility. It allows you to easily and effectively grab the attention of your target market. This creates sales, and your profits rise.

Growing your brand requires more than just advertising. Find more helpful hints on our business page!