The Technological Shift during the Pandemic


Before the advent of 2020, working ‘remotely’ had a different meaning. No one could have guessed that the coming year would let employees work at home.

Using a multitude of software to attend meetings is a common occurrence now. Sharing your screen and giving presentations online constitutes a part of the online work culture.

As a result, specific tools have become more important than ever.

The software hall of fame

It’s time to glance at the tools that helped the job industry stay afloat.

Screen recorder app

Along with video conferencing apps, a screen recorder app has seen massive use. Since meetings involve a lot of screen sharing and collaboration, dedicated recorder apps have surfaced.

They offer convenience, and you can even comment as the recordings occur.

Video conferencing app

Do you remember when Skype and Discord were the primary apps used for video and audio calls? That changed when the pandemic hit. Dedicated video conferencing apps started coming up and attracting a loyal user base.

What’s more, these apps even added bulk deals for organisations. As a result, online teaching was also done via these apps.

Changes observed

As the international workforce started working from their homes, positive changes began showing. It was evident that working from home boosted productivity and lifted spirits. But why was this so?

Travel time

Now that people did not have to commute to the office, they saved hours in travelling time. Travelling often proved to be the most hectic activity, taking up a good chunk of the time.

Since working involved only switching on the laptop now, employees were happier and less stressed.

Work-life Balance

The balance between work and personal life witnessed a vast improvement. Employees could take a break with their family members. Additionally, they could also travel and work from a different place.

Individuals were spending more time with their families and could actually strengthen their bonds.


Sitting in an office space for hours may hamper your creative juices. As a result, people could be facing mental blocks. Working from home provided them with the flexibility to move around at will.

Whether going on a walk or just getting a quick workout in, a slight detour helped increase their productivity. Employees were more focused and could come up with better ideas.


Did you ever feel that your dream job was in Sydney, but you were stuck in Melbourne? Guess what? Work from home solved this problem as well.

Companies started hiring from different geographical locations since all the work was online. This meant that a team had a broader group of people and diverse perspectives.

Was this model beneficial?

According to a survey by Statista, 80% of employees worldwide favoured the work-from-home model. They claimed they were more productive and efficient.

In addition, remote work was hailed as the future of work. The respondents were assured that it helped keep productivity up and it was possible to achieve tasks in time.

Summing up

As the restrictions relax worldwide, more offices call employees back. But some have continued the remote work model since it saves company costs.

As long as remote work persists, tools like a screen recorder app would find wide and consistent use. Hence, the developers make sure that they are updated regularly.

The future of work is staring at you right in the eye.