The Different Types of Home Security Systems That Exist Today

Burglar wearing a balaclava looking through the house window

In 2020, Australian homeowners experienced 133,870 cases of unlawful entry with intent. That’s enough to keep homeowners awake at night.

Knowing that your home could be the target of an invasion can be a distressing experience. But the good news is that there are preventive measures you can put in place to stop would-be home invaders in their tracks.

The surest way homeowners can discourage criminals from targeting their homes is by investing in various types of home security systems. Homes that do not have residential security systems are 300 percent more likely to get invaded and burglarized.

In today’s guide, we highlight some of the top home protection systems on the market today. Read on to learn more.

What Is a Home Security System?

A home security system is a general term that refers to a method of protecting a home through a network of devices working together to secure the property.

When an intruder breaks into your property while the home security system is enabled, they trigger one or more of the sensors. The sensors immediately communicate to the control center about the breach, which then sounds the alarm. Necessary measures can then be taken to prevent it from going further.

What Types of Home Security Systems Are There?

Australian homeowners looking to secure their homes will be happy to know there’s a variety of security systems from which to choose. These include:

Monitored Home Security Systems

Monitored home protection systems are among the most popular security systems in Australia today. The system works by sending an alert to a security team, call center, or emergency responders the instant it detects a break-in, fire, or some other emergency.

Generally, there are two categories of monitored home defense systems:

Self-Monitored Home Security Systems

This type of monitored security system is monitored and controlled by the homeowner. Once the system is triggered, it notifies you through your phone. The notification may come in the form of a call or a text.

The latest self-monitoring systems come with an application that allows you to monitor your home remotely through your smartphone. The system gives you the option of notifying security officials the moment you receive an alert about a possible home invasion while you’re away.

Company Monitored Home Security Systems

As the name suggests, a company monitored security system is typically operated and controlled by a professional security agency and personnel. The system instantly warns the contact center whenever it detects a trespasser in your home. You also get a phone call to verify whether the system was triggered by a mistake or the threat is real.

Where the alarm is genuine, the security agency immediately dispatches security personnel to your home or notifies the police. If you don’t respond to the phone call, the security organization assumes the threat is real and takes appropriate action to deal with it.

A monitored home protection system is without a doubt the best security system you can hope for today.

Unmonitored Home Security Systems

Another type of home security system you can opt for is an unmonitored defense system, which typically works by setting off a deafening siren when triggered. Unmonitored home security systems can be installed either professionally or by the homeowner.

This type of security system usually consists of motion sensors, glass break sensors, smoke detectors, a siren, and a control panel. Many of these systems are compatible with your smartphone, enabling you to check your home remotely.

The top reason for going for an unmonitored home security system is its lower cost. You only get to spend on the equipment, but not on monitoring services. And if you install the system yourself, you get to avoid professional installation cost.

The main snag with these security systems is that they can’t provide the same level of security as monitored security systems.

Wireless Home Security Systems

As the name suggests, a wireless alarm system involves no wiring. However, the components of the security system are similar to those of other security systems. These components typically include surveillance cameras, sensors, and high decibel home alarms.

One of the top reasons homeowners love wireless security systems is that they’re easy both to install and uninstall. There’s no drilling or complicated wiring involved. It’s also easy for you to take your entire home security system with you when you want to move to another home.

One of the main drawbacks of these security systems is that they’re vulnerable to interfaces, where signals get blocked. These systems are also prone to hacking, which may compromise your home’s security.

Wired Home Security Systems

In this type of home defense system, the components are connected to the control panel via low-voltage wiring. Generally, a hard-wired home security system is more reliable than a wireless connection. That’s because the control panel is always aware of the real-time status of each component of the system.

But wired security systems are generally expensive to install. And if a burglar manages to cut the wirings leading to the main control panel, your home is exposed.

Choose the Right Security System for Your Home

Knowing that your home is safe from break-ins can provide much-needed peace of mind. And with the different types of home security systems, you can always find a home defense system to deter criminals from targeting your home. Think about the pros and cons of the options available to determine what works best for you.

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