4 Signs a Tree Is Dying and Needs to Be Removed


Is your favorite tree looking like it might be dying, but you don’t know for sure? Are you wondering how to decide when to remove it?

There are over 20 thousand certified arborists in the US. Many good tree care companies have experience in tree removal.

Cutting down a tree is a big decision, especially when it’s a tree you’ve enjoyed for generations. Here is a guide to some of the common signs a tree is dying.

1. A Lack of Greenery

If you notice a tree has no greenery at all, it’s a sure sign of a dead tree. When a tree loses large chunks of bark, it’s another sign. Your tree may be past the point where pruning might help.

A tree may have large dead branches in the crown. These branches can pose a danger because they may break and fall during a windstorm. Remove any trees where more than half of their branches are dead or dying.

When you notice changes in a tree’s leaf cover or discolored leaves, it’s time to contact a professional tree service for an assessment. They will work hard to save your tree if possible.

2. Signs of Infection

When your tree has fungi growing on it or large cracks in its trunk, you may have an infected tree. Pests and other small animals might move into cracks and crevices.

Wood that is soft and crumbling and branches that have died are also indications that something isn’t right. Mushrooms growing at the base of a tree are indications that fungus may be decaying your tree. You might save your tree with proper treatments.

3. Tree Roots Are Above the Ground

When you notice tree roots penetrating the earth around the tree, it can sometimes indicate a problem. It’s not always a reason to remove a tree. Sometimes you can remove the root instead.

If your tree has roots damaged by construction or heavy machinery, you might not be able to save them. A professional can help you decide what to do.

4. The Tree Has Started Leaning Over

Sometimes trees grow at an angle, and that’s not a problem. When a tree starts to lean, it can sometimes indicate problems with the roots. You may be able to save it by staking it, but it also might be one of the signs of a dying tree.

When there is too much weight on one side, it can cause a tree to lean over. Sometimes you can remove a few branches on the heavy side, and the tree will recover. It’s not always successful, but worth a try.

Have You Noticed These Signs a Tree is Dying?

When you know the signs a tree is dying, you can assess your situation with more confidence. Then you’ll be able to make the right tree removal decision. Your yard and gardens will be safe and beautiful.

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