Giving Employee Feedback: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


According to PricewaterhouseCoopers or PwC, nearly 60 percent of employees say they want more feedback from their managers.

Employee feedback is essential for the growth and progress of your employees. It helps them understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas that they need to work on.

The only problem is that most employees don’t get quality feedback. They often think that their performance is satisfactory when it really isn’t — and they have no idea how to improve.

If you’re worried about providing accurate employee feedback, you’re in luck. This guide covers common mistakes that people make when giving employee feedback and how you can avoid them. Just dive right in!

Giving Employee Feedback That’s Too Vague

This can leave employees feeling confused and uncertain about what they need to do to improve. When talking to employees, be specific about what the employee did well or what could be improved.

For example, instead of saying “That wasn’t good,” say “Next time, please double check your work before turning it in.” This will help the employee understand what they need to do to improve and feel more motivated to do so.

Giving Feedback That’s Either Too Positive or Too Negative

When giving feedback that is too positive, employees may become complacent and may not be motivated to improve. On the other hand, when giving feedback that is too negative, employees may become discouraged and may not be willing to try new things.

The best way to avoid these mistakes is to find a balance between positive and negative feedback. Praise employees for their successes and point out areas where they can improve. By doing this, you will encourage employees to continue working hard and strive for improvement.

Not Giving Feedback Often Enough

This can be a difficult balance to strike, as you don’t want to be overbearing or nitpicky, but at the same time, employees need to know how they’re doing in order to improve. A good rule of thumb is to aim for at least once a week, whether that be through a formal meeting or simply check-ins throughout the day.

This way, employees always have an understanding of where they stand and what areas need improvement.

Not Timing Your Feedback Effectively

Giving feedback right after an incident occurs may be too soon and the employee may not be receptive. On the other hand, waiting too long to give feedback may make it seem like you don’t care. If you are unsure, err on the side of sooner rather than later.

The key is to strike a balance and find a time that is comfortable for both you and the employee. If there is an issue with the employee, such as coming into work late, you can read this article on how to handle that specific situation. Check it out!

Giving Employees the “Silent Treatment”

The silent treatment communicates disrespect and creates an uncomfortable work environment. If you need to give feedback to an employee, do it in a way that is respectful and constructive. Make sure the feedback is necessary and give it only when it is warranted which will help the employee improve.

Give Feedback That Empowers

Giving employee feedback can be challenging, but by avoiding common mistakes, managers can ensure that their employees receive the feedback they need to be successful. Focus on being clear, concise, and positive in your feedback in order to help your employees grow and improve. Give feedback that empowers.

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