Toy Design: How the Right Deal Toys Can Seal the Deal


Everyone loves to feel appreciated. Especially customers. 75% of consumers prefer working with companies that offer some sort of incentive programs.

As business owners, we also have to find every opportunity to stand out from our competition. Deal toys accomplish both, at the same time.

But what is a deal toy? And how much does deal toy design cost?

We’ve dug into the fascinating world of deal toys to bring you the info to find the best deal toys to supercharge your business deals!

What Is A Deal Toy?

Have you ever seen a commemorative trophy or plaque celebrating some milestone on your banker’s desk?

That’s a deal toy.

Deal toys, which are also known as financial tombstones, is a personalized keepsake for celebrating some sort of landmark occasion. Closing a big business deal or reaching some sort of goal are both common incentives for deal toys.

Reasons For Deal Toys

Appreciation and recognition are the two most common reasons to issue a deal toy. Everyone likes to feel acknowledged for their hard work and dedication. These elegant keepsakes are more motivational than you might think.

That’s just the most obvious reason people give out deal toys, though. In fact, they’re every bit as beneficial for the issuer as the recipient.

Think of how many people are going to see that prize, especially seeing as how it’s a point of pride for its recipient. Deal toys don’t just have their name on it.

A deal toy usually has the name of its issuer, as well. Every person who comes into contact with a deal toy will also see the name of the business that awarded it.

Think of a banner or billboard at a major event like the World Series or the Indianapolis 500. Just imagine how many eyes end up on a promotion like that.

Even better, everyone that sees it will be left with fond feelings towards the company that’s helping to put on their favorite event. You simply can’t buy that kind of press!

Elements of Deal Toy Design

Deal toys can vary in design a great deal. They can range from a simple, sleek plexiglass column to fully interactive sculptures. The best deal toys tend to have common elements, however, including:

  • Business names and logos
  • Information about the business deal
  • Names and logos of sponsors

Deal toys can be an opportunity to spread the word about your business partners as well as your own. Elaborate deal toys can serve as wonderful promotional material, as they can be eye-catching and notable. You can’t beat free advertising and making your customers and business partners feel appreciated at the same time!

Want More Business News?

Business is changing more rapidly than at any other time in history. It’s intense but exciting. Whether you’re looking to learn how to use deal toy design to promote your business or digital marketing tips, you’ll find everything you need to help supercharge your business on our site.

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