How to Repair Water Damaged Wood


Did you know that all 50 states are subject to flash floods? Flash floods can bring walls of water between 10 to 20 feet high.

Whether you experienced a flood or another situation, you might have damaged wood on your hands. How do you repair damaged wood, you might wonder?

The good news is that there’s hope. Read this guide on how to repair water-damaged wood today.

The Clothes Iron Technique

Repair water-damaged wood with a clothes iron. This will only work if it’s a fresh stain. For severe water damage, you’ll want to use water damage services.

First, dry and empty any water that’s in the iron. You’ll also need a towel. Be sure that it’s not too thick.

Place the iron on the lowest setting. While it’s heating, place the cotton fabric over the stain.

Next, the clothes iron needs to go onto the fabric for a few seconds. Check to see if the water stain is still there. Repeat this step a few times if necessary.

You can also use a hairdryer instead. It’ll take longer if you use a hairdryer. Don’t touch the fabric with the hairdryer since it could cause a fire.

White Toothpaste

Fix water-damaged wood with white toothpaste. You’ll need non-gel white toothpaste.

Massage toothpaste onto the stain and never scrub. It’s a more invasive process.

If you try to scrub the wood, it could damage it. Only treat the stain with toothpaste and not around it.

Cleaning Chemicals

Remedy water-damaged wood with cleaning products. First, clean the area.

You’ll want to use mild dish soap and water. Old wax will remove greasy residue.

You’ll need to perform some sanding of the area. Next, add oxalic acid to warm water and mix it up.

Avoid using metal utensils for this part. Opt for plasticware instead.

Cover the entire surface with a sponge. Wait a few minutes before you wipe off the excess.

If it doesn’t come off in 1-2 applications, then you’ll need to try another method. Once you’re done with the application, you’ll want to use clean water in the area. Dry it with a paper towel.

Always work with eye protection and gloves to protect yourself from harmful chemicals. Once this process is complete, sand it down. Use mineral spirits (paint thinner) to test the area.


Use 2 caps full of bleach with warm water. Pour in dish-washing detergent.

Dip a scrub brush into the mixture and scrub the furniture. Use a garden hose to wash off the soap. Repeat these steps as needed and let it out to air dry.

Understanding How to Repair Water-Damaged Wood

After exploring this guide on how to repair water-damaged wood, you should have a better idea of how to proceed. Take your time deciding which option is best for you.

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