3 Reasons To Use a Professional Calculator


Did you know that the calculator was invented in 1642? Blaise Pascal invented it to help his dad calculate taxes because the process kept him up well into the night.

Today the calculator has advanced to take many forms, from simple calculators that we see at schools to more sophisticated ones like financial calculators for use in business.

So, if you’ve never used a professional calculator before, you are missing a lot of saved time. However, we’ve got three more great reasons to start using a professional calculator so keep reading to learn more.

1. Calculate Your Finance Problems

Financial calculators are devices that are created to perform certain equations. These are equations that a regular calculator is unable to perform. Finance calculators can generally help with:

  • Internal Rates of Returns
  • Time Value of Money (Tvm)
  • Discounted Cash Flows
  • Loan Formulas
  • Amortization
  • Bonds
  • Net Present Value
  • Interest Rates Conversions
  • Cash Flow Analysis

Financial calculators aren’t straightforward, so you may have to spend a little time learning how they function. However, once you understand how to use them, they’ll make everything add up.

Free form calculators and finance calculators can also be found online. For example, if you’re looking to calculate the intrinsic value of a share or see how much money to invest monthly, you can calculate here.

2. Keep Everything in One Place

Up-market business calculators don’t just perform calculations. If you find the right one, it can substitute a smartphone, organizer, and computer for anything finance-relaced. You want to look for a business calculator that has a long battery life and can store your most- or recent-used information in its memory.

Some more advanced business calculators also offer chart rendering or graphing and some date and time management capabilities. Business calculators also can store to-do lists, text memos, and contact details.

Other features you can look out for with a calculator for business are an auto-off feature to save battery, an adjustable display light for viewing in any situation, an appointment calendar, and a hard-wearing case that can offer the device protection if it is bumped or dropped.

3. Make Science Tasks Easier

If you’re someone who works a lot with algebra, geometry, or calculus, a graphing calculator is ideal for you. Graphing calculators, also called scientific calculators, go beyond just helping in the lecture room.

Career fields like engineering and computer programming use graphing calculators daily. The larger screen and multiple memory modes make it handy for easy viewing and accessing their calculations at any time.

Conversely, computer programmers enjoy utilizing the linking capabilities between PC and calculator, making it possible to transfer data like spreadsheets etc.

Which Professional Calculator Will You Use?

Now that you know more about the features of a great professional calculator, you can see how it can benefit you in your day-to-day business activities. Of course, you want to research several models before deciding, as not every professional calculator is made the same. Find one that fits your requirements and enjoy spending less time on calculation tasks.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article on business calculators. To find more like it, visit our Technology and Business categories.