How to Backup Your Computer


You need to access your important documents and pictures. But there’s one problem: you can’t find them on your computer. All that time put into those files, and you’d have wished you backed up your data.

More than 140,000 hard drives fail each week. You don’t want to be one of those numbers. If you regularly perform data backup, you wouldn’t have to struggle with these issues.

But how do you do it? Read more to learn how to backup your computer.

Learning How to Backup Your Computer Is Important

Whether for work or personal life, backing up data is essential. Important photos and work files can easily be erased if you aren’t careful. If your main hard drive or computer is damaged, you can quickly recover those files from your backup.

How often should you backup data?

It’s recommended to perform data backup every 24 hours, but most people usually do it once a week. You can have software to perform these backups automatically, or you can do it manually.

Hard Disk Drives

The most common way for data backup, hard drives have been around almost as long as computers have. They can hold as much as 20TB.

You will have to hook up an external hard drive or another computer/laptop to your central computer holding said files to backup your desired files. Then, you copy the data and transfer them over to the backup device.

Depending on the type of hard drive, data backup time will vary. Having an SSD (Solid State Drive) will be faster.

But what if the hard drive causes files to go missing or get damaged?

As unfortunate as it is, damaged hard drives aren’t the end of everything. You can still recover the lost data. Specialists can use the hard drive to dig deep into its files to find the overwritten and missing data.

Here’s where you can learn more about data recovery.

Cloud Backups

Becoming more popular, backing up data into the cloud is another easy security option. You would have to pay for storage space and service, but it comes with the benefits of the data backup stored off-site in a safe place.

Suppose a data breach were to occur and your files were altered, erased, or stolen. In that case, a cloud backup can help retrieve that data if your physical backups disappear.

Flash Drives

Flash drives can be used for smaller batches of essential files. The data backup process is straightforward, like using a hard drive.

But you have to be careful as these tiny devices are easy to lose. You can slip it in your pocket or into a safe spot, but it may not show up after a while. We’ve all lost our flash drives, and it’s not fun.

Backup and Learn More

Here’s how to backup your computer using hard disk drives, cloud services, and flash drives. The most reliable way to back up data is by utilizing hard drives and cloud storage. So, it’s best to invest in both.

Flash drives, on the other hand, can be nice and portable but is susceptible to getting lost. It’s also best to practice backing up data every day or at least once a week.

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