How to Be a Virtual Assistant in Canada


Virtual assistants in Canada can make $40,000 per year working from home!

Imagine never again having to fight traffic just to get to the office each day. The office could be in your very own home, with your kitchen coffee maker only a few steps away. All you’d need is an internet connection and a laptop.

Becoming a virtual assistant isn’t always easy, but it’s worth the effort. There are a few things you’ll need to learn before setting out into the job market.

Have you been wondering how to become a virtual assistant in Canada? Well, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to check out our guide below.

Highlight Your Skills

A virtual assistant may complete an array of tasks for a client. They could do everything from data entry to carrying out important phone calls.

One of the best virtual assistant tips we can offer is: Evaluate and highlight your skills!

Think about what you enjoy doing and what you do well. This will help steer you to the best companies and clients.

Are you an expert at organized spreadsheets? Do you have an eye for creative detail? Do you find graphic design to be thrilling?

If you’re stuck on evaluating your skills, ask family and friends to help you brainstorm.

Advertise Your Skills

Now that you know your skills as a future virtual assistant, it’s time to advertise them. You can either do this on your own or create a profile on popular virtual assistant sites. (Click here to see a great example of one of these sites!)

Let companies and clients know why they should hire you. Show them how you’ll improve efficiency and bring a fresh perspective to the table.

Advertise your skills by creating a personal virtual assistant Instagram account or online portfolio. Potential clients can see your work themselves to decide if you’re the right fit.

Find Amazing Companies/High-Profile Individuals

Seek out amazing opportunities for yourself through the power of search engines and personal referrals.

Research young and growing companies in Canada that need the help of a virtual assistant. Send emails to high-profile individuals or local business owners to offer your services.

Even if someone isn’t able to offer you a full-time position, they may be able to pay you for a few tasks. Any portfolio builder is a win!

Working From Home: How to Be a Virtual Assistant in Canada

Thanks to technology, virtual assistant opportunities are on the rise. If you’ve ever wondered how to be a virtual assistant in Canada, make sure you read the above guide.

Don’t lose hope if you aren’t able to find virtual assistant opportunities as soon as you start searching. Remain consistent in contacting potential employers.

For more helpful guides, make sure to check out the rest of our site. We cover technology, fashion, lifestyle, and business. There’s something for everyone!